by Laurie Sullivan on Feb 27, 8:00 AM
Sites featuring video and computer-game content have some of the highest ad-block rates. Publisher Collective has launched a consulting business focused on optimizing campaigns, viewability, traffic growth, and design.
by Laurie Sullivan on Feb 20, 8:00 AM
The company calls its business model a "federated knowledge engine" and describes it as technology that enables marketers and business analysts to link and compare first-party data sets with others for a more holistic view of the consumer journey.
by Laurie Sullivan on Feb 13, 1:22 PM
Lin Song, co-CEO of Opera, believes now is the time for browsers to step up and become the gateway to an AI-powered web.
by Laurie Sullivan on Feb 6, 7:00 AM
CTV and retail media, two of the fastest-growing ad channels, continue to converge. This is pushing companies to form unlikely partnerships.
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