by Tyler Loechner on May 14, 1:56 PM
Each month, ChoiceStream releases a cost calendar, which ranks over 300 advertising segments in order from cheapest to most expensive, and each month Travel segments consume the top 10. For the first time in what seems like forever, Travel segments didn't completely dominate when it came to cost on programmatic ad exchanges.
by Tyler Loechner on May 14, 9:53 AM
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) certified 29 companies under its Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) program on Tuesday, but the ad tech industry still has a ways to go before the mission is accomplished. With that being said, it appears on track, and has set itself up well to prove that ad quality on programmatic exchanges can truly improve.
by Tyler Loechner on May 13, 10:53 AM
The U.S. still accounts for 32% of the global RTB market (based on auction volume), and Brazil was second with just under 5% of the marketshare. The UK, Japan and France were the third, fourth and fifth leading countries by marketshare, respectively. The data comes from Accordant Media's Q1 RTB Market Pulse Report. Accordant is an independent trading desk.
by Joe Mandese on May 12, 7:15 PM
May 8, 2014 -- Some people swear they could feel an almost imperceptible disturbance in the media universe at just about 8:12 p.m. (ET) when Publicis announced an annulment of equals. No, it wasn't a reverberation caused by the simultaneous shaking of fists at Omnicom's offices because Publicis had beaten it to the punchline (Omnicom's release came out five minutes later, but I'm sure that was negotiated as part of the terms of their ill-fated "merger of equals"). It was actually the collective, simultaneous releasing of breath from WPP offices in London and New York as the world's biggest media …
by Tyler Loechner on May 9, 10:45 AM
There is a substantial imperfection in retargeting: the consumer must first show interest in what the marketer has to sell, leaving the marketer one step behind from the get-go. Perfect Audience is not the first company to recognize this speed bump, but its workaround is unique, if not "weird," to quote Brad Flora, the company's CEO.
by Tyler Loechner on May 8, 9:46 AM
Real-time bidding (RTB) is all about "reaching the right consumer, with the right message, at the right time." There are a variety of ways to advertise in "real-time" online, and the rise of mobile advertising has introduced even more methods -- namely location-based ads. But mobile advertising has also raised questions about third-party cookies, how they limit advertisers, and what their role will be in the future.
by Tyler Loechner on May 7, 10:38 AM
Rocket Fuel on Tuesday announced it has partnered with three major online video inventory providers in LiveRail, SpotXchange, and Tremor Video. These integrations give Rocket Fuel and its clients access to large amounts of online video inventory, particularly pre-roll content. Per a release, Rocket Fuel clients will have access to this new pool of inventory immediately.
by Tyler Loechner on May 6, 9:00 AM
Online video is a staple in consumers' lives -- and advertising has followed suit -- but Todd Krizelman, CEO of MediaRadar, believes the hype of online video advertising has not been matched by actual data. "There's endless hype, but nobody was saying how many advertisers were buying in video, and what they were buying," he said.
by Tyler Loechner on May 5, 9:48 AM
Programmatic ad buying is slowly being used for more "premium" ad buys, but what does "premium" mean? In fact, what can "programmatic" mean in this case? RTM Daily spoke with Matt Sauls, SiteScout's VP of operations, to see where the industry stands on programmatic buying, premium inventory, and whether or not there is any potential pitfall to putting too much stock in viewability ratings. SiteScout was recently acquired by Centro.
by Tyler Loechner on May 2, 11:31 AM
According to mobile app marketing platform Fiksu, programmatic is helping app marketers get their word out "without breaking the bank." Fiksu has released its latest "Fiksu Indexes" with data from March 2014. Programmatic ad buying is not the overarching theme of the report, but it plays a key role. "The March Indexes tell us that while the market is only getting bigger each month, it has also grown volumes in terms of maturity," stated Micah Adler, CEO of Fiksu. "With the addition of programmatic and optimization technologies, marketers have the tools to market their apps better and can do so …