by Maarten Albarda on Jun 15, 1:58 PM
It's no doubt true that FIFA's brand name has an enormous smudge on it, which won't be going away anytime soon. However: While the global football-loving population positively hate FIFA, they love football and the World Cup.
by Scott Gillum on Jun 14, 2:13 PM
The experience of selling our house has been a good reminder of the importance of goodwill in the negotiating process.
by Cory Treffiletti on Jun 13, 11:41 AM
Often overlooked, never appreciated, email is still the backbone of a company's go-to-market strategy.
by Gord Hotchkiss on Jun 12, 1:55 PM
Speaking of the unintended consequences of technology -- which I do, a lot -- Trump is launching a trade war via Twitter. Actually, it's not so much the launching of the trade war that is unintended. Trump seems pretty intent on that. It's the way that this particular war may play out that may hold a few new twists. We've never had a president like Trump. And we've never had major policy dictated through a communication medium restricted to a relative handful of characters.
by Steven Rosenbaum on Jun 11, 1:18 PM
When I walked into the room, I was expecting a horror show. Why? Well, because the two-day event was called the "Fake News Horror Show" and was produced by the NYC Media Lab. So no one was pretending there was good news right around the corner. Still, while most of the horror was terrible, it wasn't surprising.
by Kaila Colbin on Jun 8, 11:13 AM
We gathered to raise a glass, just a half dozen of us. We knew him from high school, which had come to a capped and gowned end more than 25 years earlier. Some of us had been closer with him than others, but we all had a similar sense of him: big smile. Huge heart. Funny. Friendly. Made you feel good. Heartbreaking that he was gone.
by Ted McConnell on Jun 7, 11:30 AM
A recent study reported that consumers like streaming TV more than cable TV. Way more. Duh. However, there is a cost to all this wonderful stuff. Making all the tech play together can be excruciating. It shouldn't b
by Cory Treffiletti on Jun 6, 10:54 AM
Is advertising going to take a step backwards? I ask this question because I find the current state of advertising to be fascinating. Let me explain why.
by Gord Hotchkiss on Jun 5, 10:44 AM
Wisdom has it that it's hard to say you're sorry. But it's proven to be a lucrative emerging market in the ad business. Facebook is launching its biggest campaign ever to say, "Hey, sorry, we screwed up." Well, actually, the ad doesn't really say that at all. It's hard to tell what the ad says. It talks a lot about friends. And why Facebook is awesome. And it has a cat in a party hat blowing a noisemaker. What's actually missing is an apology of any sort.
by Steven Rosenbaum on Jun 4, 12:49 PM
If you're a consumer packaged goods company, a services company - or, frankly, any business that needs to connect with customers - and you're recruiting for a new CEO, would you hire a person who says: "Well, I'm not a digital person, but I'm going to hire a kickass CDO, and we'll get it all sorted out"? Probably not.