by Cory Treffiletti on Mar 31, 1:07 PM
Contextual targeting with a little bit of data layered over it is extremely effective at delivering a relevant message to a targeted audience.
by Gord Hotchkiss on Mar 30, 1:28 PM
Is going viral all it's cracked up to be? For example, what if you're targeting a smaller audience?
by Steven Rosenbaum on Mar 29, 12:22 PM
Real-life characters make up the backbone of "Nomadland" -- people who reject the label of homeless and instead call themselves "houseless."
by Kaila Colbin on Mar 26, 10:05 AM
Major global corporations can still make my jaw drop with their utter social media tone-deafness. For example, Amazon vs. Senator Warren.
by Dave Morgan on Mar 25, 3:21 PM
Super-fast growth of ad-supported video on demand would move digital platforms into the center of the entire ad ecosystem. Not likely just yet.
by Cory Treffiletti on Mar 24, 10:58 AM
How can news outlets still thrive in an age where the news is not so dire and immediate all the time?
by Gord Hotchkiss on Mar 23, 12:10 PM
Social media is an ecosystem in which sociopaths will thrive.
by Steven Rosenbaum on Mar 22, 11:35 AM
Inside of Yang's policies are some very different ideas that are more than stump-speech rhetoric.
by Maarten Albarda on Mar 19, 10:24 AM
Let's credit a small number of marketers that have figured out a socially conscious competitive advantage directly linked to their business.
by Dave Morgan on Mar 18, 5:36 PM
Those of us working in media, advertising and technology CAN make a difference. We have visibility. We have voice. We have leverage.