by Joe Mandese on May 31, 3:05 PM
Sixty-two percent of American voters believe President Trump's use of Twitter is a bad thing, up from 59% a year ago, according to a Morning …
by Joe Mandese on May 31, 2:16 PM
Call it the calm before the 5G storm. Or if you're a skeptic, the maturation of the global smartphone marketplace. Either way you look at …
by Joe Mandese on May 31, 10:00 AM
Facebook may position itself as "the" social network, but when it comes to America's teens, it has become a distant also-ran to YouTube, Instagram and …
by Joe Mandese on May 29, 11:39 AM
While much of the focus on the EU's new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) has been on the downside for brands, including the costs associated …
by Joe Mandese on May 25, 9:10 AM
Marketers, media, platforms and apps rushing to comply with the today's deadline for the EU's new consumer data privacy rules has not gone unnoticed by, …
by Joe Mandese on May 24, 2:51 PM
On the eve of Friday's deadline for the EU's new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) rules, contextual targeting platform Vibrant conducted a survey of top …
by Joe Mandese on May 24, 9:31 AM
Americans may think Super Sunday is the world's biggest, most planned for and most socialized sports viewing event, but it's a different "football" game for …
by Joe Mandese on May 24, 8:39 AM
Why the asterisk? Because this is Research Intelligencer and every stat or milestone has a footnote to it. This one is that sports radio's season …
by Joe Mandese on May 23, 6:40 PM
Despite supposedly heightened concerns about privacy and the appropriation of personal data, more Americans now say the agree to the terms of service (TOS) of …
by Joe Mandese on May 22, 9:52 AM
Nearly 20 years ago Grey Interactive Founder Norman Lehoullier gave a presentation at an ARF event illustrating how much more complex a CMO's job was …