Experian Hitwise
Experian Hitwise has released May 2012 search engine market share figures. It's no surprise that Google retains the largest overall share in the U.S. at 65%. Bing-powered search comprised 28% of searches, 5% year-over-year. The remaining 65 search engines accounted for 6% of U.S. searches. One-word searches comprised the majority of searches in May 2012, amounting to nearly 30% of all queries, and have increased 19% year-over-year.
AOL has extended its Pictela platform across multiple screens to allow brands build cross-platform campaigns in real-time, according to Matt Kapko. The portal now allows advertisers to incorporate five applications in mobile ads running on the technology, including Facebook, Twitter, a photo gallery, video gallery, and content feed, he writes. AOL's multiscreen format follows moves by Google, Yahoo, and Bing to serve content and ads on any device.
SEM consulting firms have begun to certify employees at other companies who want to integrate their tools. Most recently, Kenshoo launched a certification program with the Online Marketing Institute. Chacka Marketing gained certification from Kenshoo Enterprise, a software-as-a-service offering that allows agencies to create, manage, and optimize search engine marketing campaigns. The program includes more than 20 instructional videos and exams that test each individual's knowledge of the company's platform. Chacka founder Janel Laravie said it gives company marketers a higher level of confidence that they know their stuff.
At the BIA/Kelsey conference this week in San Francisco, three executives from young companies offered information into mobile shopping and loyalty marketing strategies. Charles Laughlin gives us a recap of presentations, how each competes in mobile payments and their views on transactions in marketing, and ways the platforms can promote consumer loyality.
Google Play
Google has released a free guidebook for Android, IOS and PC explaining how to use the new tablet and operating system (OS) on Google Play. The book provides insights into the operating system and functions of the device running on Android 4.1. The book describes how to use the interface, make search personal, optimize battery life, enter and edit text, connect to other devices, and more.
Adometry and Empower MediaMarketing have partnered to help advertisers reach target audiences across online, social, e-mail, video and mobile channels. Under the terms of the agreement, Empower will offer the Adometry ad analytics suite to clients as part of the agency's Decision Sciences service, including LasikPlus Vision Centers, Marzetti and U.S. Bank.
Rimm-Kaufman Group
Attribution modeling has become necessary as marketers take campaigns across multiple marketing channels. George Michie outlines three barriers to attribution modeling, starting by describing company employees who have become so involved with their own strategy and agenda they find it impossible to integrate or work with other departments. As he points out, the larger the company, typically the more fragmented the marketing decisions because many can view attribution as a threat to their department and processes. Michie offers advice on how to smooth corners and eliminate roadblocks.
Writing good headlines isn't always easy. Rand Fishkin serves up some examples of how marketers can improve their headlines. When it's not feasible to brainstorm with others, turn the topic on its head to ensure the topic is covered from all angles. Most marketers will find the creative headline does wonders for search engine optimzation.
Google Developers
Google has released a new tool allowing Web sites to customize a streaming live blog gadget. Not only will the gadget stream parts of this week's Google I/O conference, but it will integrate the five most recent updates from any specific Google+ page site that owners want to include. A social media stream becomes part of the experience. The gadget can be used to make the blog function available for site owners to use during other live events.
Search Engine Journal
For businesses attempting to break into a new market outside the United States, search engine optimization (SEO) can become invaluable. Keywords play a major role, but some don't translate well from English into languages such as French or Chinese, for example. A local Web site and the correct keywords can boost rankings in query results. Christian Arno suggests using a country code Top Level Domain, such as .fr for France or .de for Germany, to help improve results in local searches. He also offers up other advice for inbound marketing in languages other than English.