Google focuses on how brands should give consumers a great experience, but some like Erika Morphy believe when it comes to service the tech titan lacks a fine-tuned approach. That will need to change. An 8,000-square-foot building on Greene St. in Manhattan will become the Google's first retail store. The company's strengths reside in processing data; not so much on how it handles customer service. "Its customer service brand has been more a matter of happenstance than any kind of concerted effort," she writes. Several examples explain her point of view, and she explores into the possibilities.
Search Engine Watch
Marketers need a plan to create and distribute content. Otherwise it could cost the company thousands of dollars with little to no positive results. Greg Jarboe points to a checklist from YouTube to help marketers create an original content distribution platform. The Creator Playbook suggests tools and tips developed by a generation of YouTube content creators to help brands as they develop content strategies that resonate with today's consumers. The best practices span from content marketing as part of a brand strategy to measurement techniques.
Apple and Samsung, two tech titans accusing each other of copying design features, return to court Monday to continue a multibillion-dollar legal war. Sam Gustin believes Apple's feud against Samsung amounts to "a proxy war" against Google and its Android operating system. Gustin tells us that for Apple it's more about principle, rather than money. The company nears $200 billion in annual revenue and sits on tens of billions in cash. The $2 billion suit remains a drop in the bucket. It's the long-term influence that's at stake.
No matter how much Google and Bing try to rid the online world of spam the amount seems to keep rising. Here are a few basic tips to remember. David Mercer believes entrepreneurs can still create a high-quality experience for visitors on their sites. It's more than knowing and focusing the content on visitors. Mercer tells us what he thinks will help small and mid-sized businesses find their calling online.
The New York Times
A U.S. District Judge has dismissed a lawsuit of eight New York writers and video producers who accused Baidu of creating search engine algorithms on behalf of the Chinese government to block users in the United States from viewing content that advocates greater democracy in China. The group sought $16 million in damages.
Search Engine Journal
Most marketers don't know they can analyze AdWords campaign keywords through a diagnosis reporting tool, per Heather Cooan. She walks through where to find it, how to use it, and the advantages. She explains a variety of filters and diagnosis status categories -- including low search volume and low quality-score signals, as well as not triggering ads or not eligible to run.
Google Webmaster Help
Marketers at international companies want Google's search engine to know when one Web site is related to another, or when someone searching in the U.S. should see the Web site that is intended for the U.S. rather than another country. For example, using structured data tags tell Google how to direct the searcher to the correct local version of the site. Matt Cutts explains how Google views the relationship between sites and what tags to use in a Webmaster video on YouTube.
Microsoft has made Bing product ads available to all advertisers in the U.S. Miranda Miller tells us how to use one of the key features, which allows advertisers to import their campaigns from Google's PLAs. She links to best practices guides and troubleshooting tips that will help marketers get started. Bing also released a short video.
"Techcrunch founder Michael Arrington has charged Google with accessing his account, finding out who leaked news to him, and firing that person. Google denies it ever happened," per CNet. The words Arrington used in a blog post were "nearly certain" the company accessed his Gmail account years ago after he broke a story about Google. It became more of an issue last week after someone revealed that Microsoft accessed a blogger's Hotmail account after one of its employees leaked pre-release Windows 8 software.
The Register
IBM researchers tell us that Twitter, with up to 68% accuracy, can infer a user's primary location by their behavior. The Register points to an IBM research paper by Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols and Clemens Drews explaining how city-level predictions of Twitter users' home locations even though the user isn't using Twitter's location features. He makes it known that the paper explains the research did not use geo-tags to make any predictive assumptions, although around 65% of the tweets in the data are geo-tagged.