Twitter, after more than a year of testing, announced the addition of direct message (DM) keyword search. The feature, now rolling out to web and apps, let users locate specific mentions within the text of any DM to track down past conversations, links shared, and products and people mentioned.
Search Engine Journal
As Google pushes further into automation, the Google Display Network (GDN) remains the most influential contextual ad network across the internet. This post details six tips to help adapt to automation while maintaining control of campaigns.
Google today introduced Related search for content in AdSense for search, a feature for publishers to create more useful search experiences on their sites. The idea is to monetize search results on mobile sites or apps. By adding a few lines of code, Google can match a highly targeted ad with the search results. When users click, the publisher earns revenue. It's for publishers that have search on their website.
Google began offering users a way to buy a domain names without dealing with a host provider seven years ago. Now, Google Domains is product and available in 26 countries.
Google launched a Search Ads 360 integration with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) that allows advertisers to view cross-channel attribution data in their Model comparison and Conversion paths reports, as well as view sessions, users and conversions in the context of dimensions such as source, campaign, medium and default channel grouping. This integration may also assist to save time that advertisers might spend toggling between GA4 and Search Ads 360. Linking GA4 to Search Ads 360 allows GA4 to export conversions to Search Ads 360, allows Search Ads 360 to export campaign and cost data to GA4, and GA4 App- and …
Google announced Thursday it will pause ads on its properties and networks globally for advertisers based in Russia, which means advertisers cannot use Google ads to target consumers anywhere in the world from within the country.
Google has released a new homepage for companies running Google Analytics 4. The homepage supports information like monitoring traffic, navigating analytics, and gaining insights about websites and mobile apps. It is divided into five parts: overview, real-time, recently viewed, because you view frequently, and insights.
The Microsoft Advertising Editor has been updated to support Microsoft Audience Network campaigns, the company said Thursday. The plan is to add support for more Audience Network capabilities within the ads editor, including new ad creation, full ad previews, feed-based campaign creation and image uploading. Advertisers previously managed their Microsoft Audience Network campaigns through the associated interface or an API.
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