Search Engine Journal
One year after Google announced it would acquire Feedburner, the promised integration of Ad Sense units into Feedburner members' RSS feeds may finally be under way. So says the official Feedburner blog. The integration will affect both Adsense and Feedburner advertisers, although it's not entirely clear how. Advertising on RSS has been going on for a while, but it has not really caught on, perhaps due to the nature of RSS itself. This integration should go a long way toward proving if it will ever take hold.
Local Mobile Search
A Juniper report on mobile advertising found that 30% of the subscriber base is expected to use local mobile search services by 2013, and local search will account for 43% of cumulative mobile search advertising revenues between 2008 and 2013. Greg Sterling argues that the number of subscribers accessing local content will be closer to 100%, however. "All users who access the mobile Internet or comparable applications on their phones will access local content," he says. "It won't be the only content they seek but it will be a primary category."
Search NewZ
Andy Beal tackles Google's nascent Image Search tool, which promises to index images without relying on accompanying text. The technology is no doubt exciting, he says, but will it scale? Can it be applied to the billion of images scattered across the Web? Some say not, but for Beal, that only serves as a greater challenge for Google, which it will relish tackling.
Jennifer Sleg
How many times have you hit the "publish" button only to realize you forgot to do something vital? Jennifer Sleg has developed a checklist to help bloggers avoid publishing posts not fit for consumption. Did you type what you meant? Do you have a hook? Are there related articles you can link to? Did you tag it? Post this list next to your desk and rid yourself of that nagging "What didn't I do?" feeling once and for all.
Sure, rankings in MSN and Yahoo are important, but Google, which claims more market share than both of those engines combined, can make or break your business. With that in mind, the Internet Search Database is launching a three-part series on how to optimize your Web site for Google. Tips in part one include choosing the right keywords, density, meta description and keyword tags, link anchor text, site navigation and much more. Some of the advice may seem obvious ("Victoria BC hotel" is a better keyword than "hotel") but there is likely something worth reading here for everyone.
Search Engine Journal
An apparent glitch at Google resulted in some variable names and values appearing below sponsored links this morning. Eric Lander takes a shot at deciphering the cryptic text. Landers theorizes that what appeared were maximum costs per clicks of the various advertisers. Honda, for example, would seem to have a $4.71 maximum cost per click, as opposed to a smaller, local dealer, who maxes out at $1.09. What does it all mean? Maybe not much, but it is a rare and entertaining glimpse into the inner workings of Google Ad Words.
Outbound links play a major role in any site's linking strategy, but most publishers still don't fully understand them or how they work. Eric Enge offers tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of your outbound links. He recommends taking the time to get into the head of the person who is going to decide whether to link to your site. If your target is research-oriented, you'll need to have a steady stream of data on your site. Or if it's the New York Times you're after, be sure to have well-cited sources and solid reporting. If you …
Microsoft is making changes to its mobile search offering that should result in more relevant local results and enhanced product search. It has added "Find My Location" in Japan and the U.K. to its WAP search product, and will be doing so in the U.S. soon. It has also enhanced Product Search for Mobile, which will now offer reviews, images and other content. The combination should make it easier for consumers looking to buy products locally to browse option on their mobile devices and locate the most convenient place to make their purchase.
Kelsey Group Blogs
Local search site Yelp is unveiling a series of tool that help businesses interact more quickly and effectively with local reviewers. These new features include enhanced customer communication techniques and notification options. Like the small mom-and-pop stores trying to compete with a national chain, local search sites like Yelp are trying to differentiate themselves from the global behemoths with better customer service and tools that more closely fit the needs of small-business owners.
Your site's headlines should grab readers' attention and pull them into your site. Jennifer Horowitz shares her top three tips for writing effective heads. Among her advice: When consumers land on your site, they are not yet in your "store," they are standing outside it. So don't get carried away with "welcome" messages before you've gotten them inside. Also: Make it specific, and don't forget your action verbs!