GIF search engine Giphy just raised an additional $72 million in funding from Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Institutional Venture Partners and China Media Capital. “This brings Giphy’s total funding to just short of $151 million,” TechCrunch notes. Despite its humble beginning, “the platform has since evolved into a suite of GIF-based products, including the ability to turn video into a GIF, a GIF keyboard called Giphy Keys, and a portfolio of ‘enterprise’ tools to help media companies turn their content into GIFs.”
Bing has released a feature called Shared Budgets that allows advertisers to assign one budget to multiple campaigns. Let's say the advertisers has a fixed budget of $2,000 per week to spend on Bing Ads campaigns. The marketers find that at the end of the week, Campaign A spends only 20%, whereas Campaign B spends the remainder. If Campaign B is performing well, Bing Ads will automatically allocate that unused percentage to Campaign B. Juan Carlos Ousset says the benefits of Shared Budgets range from assigning a budget to a subgroup to share the funds to reducing the time it takes …
Have you ever considered gating your content to get leads? asks Rand Fishkin. He thinks the strategy provides benefits and drawbacks that marketers should know. He details the pros and the cons of each approach and shares some tips for improving on the process, regardless of which route the marketer chooses. Fishkin explains.
Harvard Business Review
This time researchers took to Bing to determine whether Microsoft's search engine also influences gender stereotype tendencies similar to a study done with Google's search engine earlier this year. The research mostly confirms image search results perpetuate gender stereotypes and that "gender biases in image search results were not restricted to a particular regional market." The researchers say they did the study to inspire search developers to think critically about each stage of the engineering process and how and why biases could make a major impact in their work.
The Blaze
The CEO of Google's parent company, Alphabet, once did work for the Hillary Clinton campaign, according to The Blaze, which points to an email published by WikiLeaks. Eric Schmidt was discussed in an October 2014 memo to Clinton from Teddy Goff, who is now a Clinton campaign digital strategist. The Blaze ran the letter with the article.
Share of Voice measures the percentage of consumers who were exposed to an advertiser in the course of their online search. It often correlates with later offline purchase. AdGooroo says campaign managers fall short when they fail to benchmark their results against competitors and fail to acknowledge opportunity cost. In the research the Kantar Media company found 69% of all Consumer Electronics impressions are attributed to just 20 advertisers. Best Buy alone accounts for 30% of all impressions in the category.
In late September, Google began publishing a new Web site using the .google, rather than the standard .com, URL extension as its domain name. The new site,, consolidates 19 previously separate Google blogs, according to CNet. The move takes advantage of a two-year-old rule that changed the limits for suffixes known as top-level domain names. CNet reports that others were approved too, such as .ford, .homedepot, and .hbo, among others.
Don't rule out travel consumers as the industry moves into fall, especially when using 2015 numbers as a gauge for 2016. While travel-related searches usually jump in the summer months, such clicks actually reached their highest point during autumn 2015, after the traditional travel season, according to a report released from Marin Software on Monday. Consumers may not have clicked on ads, but advertisers spent more to get them to click. The report suggests that "clicks on travel-related searches didn’t peak in summer as expected. They actually reached their highest point in autumn, right after the summer months. However, the difference …
Google News is rolling out a new fact-check feature in search results for news stories. “Launched today, fact check will now appear as a label among news search results, alongside other established labels such as opinion, local source and highly cited,” The Guardian reports. “Google News algorithmically connects fact-checking articles with live news stories partly based on an established process.”
Two in three U.S. Millennials use an ad blocker on a desktop or mobile device, according to data released in July. Creative agency Anatomy Media surveyed 2,700 US adults ages 18 to 24 and found that 46% said they use ad blocking on their desktop, and 31% said they have an ad blocker on their mobile device. eMarketer reports that ad blocking will become more common on desktops and laptops than smartphones. "In 2016, 63.2 million people will use an ad blocker on their desktop or laptop device vs. the 20.7 million who will use on their smartphone," per the analyst firm.