Google has proposed changes to its open-source browser Chromium, on which Chrome is based, sending many third-party developers of ad blockers back to the drawing board to make changes. Wired claims it would still be possible to block ads if the proposed changes are made in Chrome, but developers would need to rewrite their Chrome extensions.
Wall Street Journal
Amazon.com spent more than $13.6 billion on technology in 2018, making it the biggest corporate IT spender in the world, according to new research from International Data Corp (IDC). Alphabet, Google's parent, and Walmart, came in at No. 2 and No. 3, respectively with each spending nearly $12 billion last year. IDC data suggests the top 10 companies accounted for 7% of the estimated $1.1 trillion spent by the 4,800 firms IDC tracks.
Yandex lead Google in Russia for its ability, in part, to provide better at interpreting results in Russian, according to some analysts. In Russia, Yandex owns 55% of the search marketing. Google follows behind. Yandex also does a better job at serving people from Russia living abroad. Yandex also offers streaming videos, email and other services, but the government in 2017 implemented a law making sites responsible for all content it serves. So now it only aggregates news from sources with state licenses.
The New York Times
Shareholders sued the board of directors of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, suggesting that it played a direct role in approving a $90 million exit package for Andy Rubin, a senior executive and inventor of Android, after an investigation into a sexual harassment claim against him turned out to be credible.
Google released a new feature to its
Rich Results Test tool that let webmasters
edit the code and see how it impacts rich results in search. The tool was originally announced at the Chrome Developers Summit in 2018. Rich results are search results that, in addition to blue links, might include carousels, images, ratings, images or elements other than text.
Bing Ads
Bing Ads announced Monday the general availability of AI-powered Performance Insights, an analytics and recommendation tool for identifying anomalies and changes in the performance of ads. The tool is available under the daily performance at the account level and for click and impression key performance indicators.
The Negotiator
Zoopla, an online listing site that lets people search for home rentals and sales in the U.K., has removed non-property related advertising from its listing pages. The site, per one media outlet, claims deleting the ads increases website page load speeds by 35% and provides a 9% increase in leads to agents. The move follows similar actions taken by sites like Rightmove and OnTheMarket.
Facebook's revenue per user is growing almost exponentially in the United States and Canada, according to Brian Rothenberg, VP at EventBrite. The chart suggests the cost is nearly $30 per person. He writes that "Marketers are paying more per 'eyeball' than ever." Some of it could be caused by flat to declining users in the U.S.
South China Morning Post
In a letter to employees, Baidu CEO Robin Li Yanhong warned of a slowing economy and the need to employees "to step up their game." Reports suggest that China, the world’s second largest economy, is experiencing its slowest growth in decades. Reports that a trade war with the U.S., in part, has prompted hiring freezes and job cuts in China's tech industry.
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