The Telegraph
Nearly two-thirds of grandparents feel their role is being eclipsed by Google, Wikipedia and YouTube, where kids go for advice on stuff traditionally answered by grandparents, according to a new study. The survey of 1,500 grandparents found that children instead use the Internet to answer simple questions. Cleaning specialist Dr Beckmann commissioned the research -- the same one who did a study
revealing that British women now own an average of thirty-four pairs of panties.
Pictures tell stories. That's why infographics have become so popular. Companies like Instagram and Pinterest also continue to bring attention to video, images and other visual elements in social media that integrate into search campaigns. Courtney Eckerle serves up several tips, and points to a feature on Daily Grommet that takes advantage of a Community Board, where after a user follows the brand, they are invited to pin into the board. Read the article
Rimm Kaufman Group
George Michie details four structural changes that Google's Enhanced Campaigns forces: Different Data, Two Levers, Rethinking Structure, and Bing By Itself. The most interesting of the group points to Bing and how the "frictional cost" of advertising on both Google and Bing will rise for SMBs. This cat-and-mouse game may cause less sophisticated search marketers to "shave time" from managing Bing campaigns. Read the article
Digital Marketing Blog
Adobe Systems claims to be first to market with support for new settings in Adobe Media Optimizer in Google Enhanced Campaigns. Google now combines desktop and tablet traffic, separate from smartphones and other mobile traffic. Adobe is developing an algorithmic solution to set mobile bid modifiers automatically, factoring in all of an advertiser's individual performance data.
Search Engine Watch
Jon Schepke tells us how brands and local marketers with multiple locations can capitalize on Facebook Graph Search. He takes us through tips on content, how to engage consumers, and ways to avoid potential roadblocks. One of the most important things to remember, which is not covered here, is how small local businesses can get started with practically zero investment through clicks and shares to build a thriving business in months. Read the article
Responsive Web design involves a Web site that responds to the device accessing it, serving up the appropriate content look to match the device. Hernan Gonzalez describes the benefits of using responsive Web design, but emphasizes one of the biggest advantages: Consistent URL addresses. With the same URL structure for every device, there's no longer a need to redirect site visitors to a different mobile address.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) published the contention sets identified by the string similarity review for applications submitted as part of the new gTLD program. The update provides the list of contention sets. The String Similarity Panel will assess whether a proposed gTLD string creates a probability of user confusion due to similarity with any reserved name, existing TLD, any requested IDN ccTLD, or any new gTLD string applied for in the current application round.
Big Maps Blog
A little geeky, but for those trying to generate a 3D model of elevation data from Bing Maps REST Elevation Service, Ricky Brundritt shows us how to create it using HTML5 and Bing Maps. He takes us through creating a Web page that uses Bing Maps to select an area on the map before using the elevation service to get the data for the selected area. Then he generates a 3D model using the HTML5 canvas and the K3D library.
Whoever at the U.S. Department of Defense made the decision for its employees to have "the flexibility to use commercial products on classified and unclassified networks" should read the terms and conditions of the products and apps attacted to the services. The DoD plans to create a military mobile applications store and hire a contractor to build a system that may eventually handle as many as 8 million devices, reports Bloomberg. It likely will put a whole lot of people to work to protect online security and intellectual property, because it opens opportunities for malicious activity. How will it influence …
Imagine a streaming music service that allows users to pick and choose the music they hear. Sounds like Spotify. Well, yes -- but this one belongs to Google. Aside from smartphones and tablets, it would give the Mountain View, Calif. company an opportunity to move into cars. Not too far a stretch. If this is just a rumor and they're not planning a music service, they should. The company already supports deals that cover the use of songs in YouTube videos made by consumers. Negotiations are underway with major record labels to license their music, said people seeking anonymity, Newsday …