• How To Budget Campaign Structures
    Pamela Lund tells us how to properly structure AdWords and adCenter campaigns while keeping an eye on budgets. Lund answers questions about segmenting by product, service or brand, as well as whether or not to target geographic regions differently, and the nuances of running campaigns on brand-specific terms.
  • 50 Writers Accuse Baidu Of Stealing
    Fifty Chinese writers accuse China's search engine Baidu of copyright infringement, calling the engine "thief." The writers claim the engine provided the work free to download from its online library, Baidu Wenku, without permission, according to China.org.cn.
  • PageRank, Oldest And Latest Patents
    Bill Slawski points us to a new patent on PageRank issued to Stanford University, as well as what he believes is the very first PageRank patent. Comparing the two, Slawski's writes Stanford's patent seems to explain the concept of PageRank in simpler language, making it easier for the beginning SEO marketer to understand. The patent explains how a link on a page might be annotated.
  • Linking White Hats
    Ah, scaling white hat link building remains a topic on the minds of many SEO professionals these days, especially as Google continues to tweak ranking algorithms. Will Critchlow digs into tips for scaling content, pointing to Demand Media and what marketers can learn from the company's business model.
  • Hooking Links With Great Content
    Glenn provides details on climbing organic rankings through links. He points to traditional journalism as an example of grabbing the reader with the headline and the first line. After all, "around 80% of visitors to your blog will read your post title, but only about 20% will actually read the accompanying post," he writes.
  • Social Media's Influence On SEO
    If social media influences SEO, what metrics should marketers monitor? Well, that's depends on the marketer asked, according to Gareth Owen. He compiled a list of 13 ranking factors, and tell us why each might make a difference. The factors include the number and the quality of Twitter followers, Fans, comments and views on Facebook.
  • Five Top Unanswered SEO Questions Answered
    Aaron Wheeler and Cyrus Shepard provide solutions to the five most common SEO problems they see regularly. Among the questions: "How do you choose what to include in your domain?" and "What do we do about 404s?"
  • Complexities Of Google Site Search
    Aaron Wall tells us how he believes Google destroyed site search. For starters, he explains why on-demand indexing added value for Google site search, but now it carries too much risk. Wall complains that Google's products have become so complex that "you literally have to break some" parts before working with them.
  • SEO Is Ongoing
    There's always something that can be done to improve a Web site -- it's an ongoing task. And not all SEO changes improve rank and positively impact readability, according to Stoney deGeyter. "Making too many changes too quickly, without testing and comparing the results, will almost always lead to a less than optimal marketing campaign," he writes.
  • Linkbuilding For Small Businesses
    Small businesses need link building tips, too. Here are some from Justilien Gaspard, who suggests, for example, that you do public relations outreach, which can include brick-and-mortar networking."Even your local chamber of commerce networking event can provide opportunities for links," he writes.
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