Consumers are also leaving websites, but many approve of biometrics as an alternative, Fido Alliance reports.
The Platform Accountability and Transparency Act would require large social platforms to share ad libraries, statistics about content moderation, and other data with researchers.
Reddit wants to help brands predict the future - for example, when a restaurant should offer lab-grown food, or a beauty brand should offer DNA-based skincare treatments or DNA-personalized vitamins.
Microsoft and Amazon defeated a class-action complaint claiming the companies violated a biometric privacy law by allegedly amassing a database of faceprints.
Using three kinds of biometric measures -- eye-tracking, "cardiac deceleration" and "sweat secretion" -- Comcast Advertising says advertising in long-form TV programming on full-screen TV or streaming
platforms yields better ad "memories" than with advertising placed on digital media platforms.
Brands that promote their loyalty programs on social media likely will encourage more interactions with customers.
"Measuring and optimizing attention is an integral component of cutting through the noise," says Activation Chief Jon Waite.
The findings show how adding TV into any mix boosts results. Duh.
Rapid growth in purchases of VR/AR accessories has raised concerns over data-collection practices, as targeting user content based on facial movements may negatively impact user privacy and safety.
The report, "Data Capitalism + Algorithmic Racism," however, provides policy recommendations to solve the problem.
Consumers prefer to do business with companies that make authentication safe and simple and safe, according to 81% of consumers surveyed by CMO Council and Business Performance Innovation Network.
This frustration can cause consumers to search for brands that offer a different type of digital verification process.
One of the big questions coming out of CES is which innovations will scale and have enough sustainable consumer interest. The next logical question is which consumers will adopt the new technologies
the fastest.
Mobile phones are commonly referred to as "digital wallets," but new estimates from Juniper Research suggests it isn't just a metaphor. The estimates, which come from Juniper's new Mobile Payment
Security report, projects $2 trillion in mobile payment transactions will be made seamlessly via mobile biometrics by the year 2023. The report also estimates the number of biometrically verified
mobile commerce transactions will grow to 48 billion by 2023.
A survey by "Research Intelligencer" and Pollfish finds that most believe TV's standard-length :30s and :15s commercials are the ideal length, not the six-second and shorter units being tested and
researched by the advertising and media industry. For television, 46.5% of respondents cited 30-second and 26.5% cited 15-second commercials as the optimum length to engage with advertising.