Email is one of the top websites or apps now being utilized, Meltwater reports.
Only 20% of U.S. online adults said they are comfortable consuming content in an extended reality environment.
About 67% of 500 marketers recently polled by Sprout Social plan to invest at least a quarter of their budgets in metaverse tactics related to the evolution of social media over the next year.
The pandemic led many people to discover some of the advantages of remote work and virtual interactions.
Teens are most interested in new virtual experiences in gaming, TV/movies and shopping, while 45% of those over 54 are not interested in virtual experiences, a study by Toluna finds. Nearly half of
teens and 25% of those 18 and up said they know what the metaverse is, while 54% of those over 54 had no idea what it is.
More than half of marketing executives said they planned to either increase or maintain OOH spending this year.
Rapid growth in purchases of VR/AR accessories has raised concerns over data-collection practices, as targeting user content based on facial movements may negatively impact user privacy and safety.
Gartner analysts predict changes in media, from mobile app tracking to how B2B companies will use machine learning to slow the customer journey. Strategic planning may be the most interesting part of
the report.
Google Labs is back, but this time it's the internal name given to a new team created under a reorganization that aims to gather the company's innovative projects and long-term bets under one roof.
Meta, formerly known as Facebook, aims to build global brick-and-mortar retail stores for the devices being made by its Reality Labs division -- virtual reality headsets and someday, augmented-reality
glasses, according to "The New York Times."
A new survey conducted this month for a real-time engagement platform echoes other research underscoring Gen Z's craving for interaction.
Giving virtual assistants human qualities could prompt people to reveal more personal information to brands, according to a study led by researchers in computer science and mathematics. It also could
ease some privacy data concerns.
Time spent by the average American with digital media continues to climb, mostly as a result of increased access via mobile devices, according to a compendium of digital media usage stats released
Monday by the Interactive Advertising Bureau as part of a stage-setter for the simultaneous release of its first half Internet Advertising Report.
To enhance authenticity, Tech Drive was shot live, in a real car, on real streets, with threats as close as they would be in real life.
The retail cost of head-mounted displays is the No. 1 barrier to mass consumer adoption of virtual reality, according to the top-line findings of an in-depth extended reality industry report. The
study, "Industry Insights Report 2019-2020," just published by extended reality industry promoter and conference organizer VRX, found that the "lack of content" was a close No. 2 barrier for most
consumers, followed by the current size and design of headsets, the lack of consumer awareness, usability, and "motion sickness."
Programmatic continues to be one of several emerging technologies that are reshaping marketing and media-buying into the near future, according to a new report.
Consumer familiarity with VR technology has remained at approximately one-fourth of U.S. broadband households between 2017 and 2018, according to a new study.
It intentionally positioned the experience at the intersection of one of the busiest gates and the main corridor that leads to baggage claim so that a highly affluent audience of Super Bowl attendees
could not miss it.
From self-aware AI and police interrogations using VR to bio-organic printers printing actual human flesh, its content sucked "Wired" readers into a world where immortality is possible.
Gadget lovers tend to use voice-controlled devices for simple functions. Sixty-six percent use virtual assistants to play music or listen to podcasts, 56% use them to set an alarm or reminder, and 48%
use them to receive updates.
The key to building excitement around this campaign was a comprehensive roll-out across various social channels which started a month before with teaser content.
Honda was looking for a unique way to showcase its racing chops through a campaign that would resonate with its enthusiasts as well as a gaming audience.
Sales of virtual reality headsets plunged in 2018, but cheap, good VR mobile content will push users to try other VR platforms, Juniper says.
To be relevant again, the brand had to get back to what it stood for when it was at its best. Col. Sanders was front and center, whether it was the bucket, the restaurant or the advertising.
Augmented reality (AR) adds visual overlays on the physical world and is usually viewed through a smartphone. Virtual reality (VR) depicts a self-contained, navigable 3D world and is usually
experienced through a specialized motion-detecting headset.
Digitas has released a new report reinforcing the potential threat that virtual voice assistants represent to brands. The study found that 85% purchased the first option recommended to them on at
least one occasion.