Portent Interactive
Elizabeth Marsten explains that managing campaigns in Microsoft adCenter can get a little complicated because keywords "lock together." Although you can easily separate or combine them in the edit feature to review stats and judge performance, you cannot pause a match type if you notice it doesn't perform well. Instead, you must remove it to keep other match types containing the same keyword available. Marsten tells you how.
aimClear Blog
Educating a company's decision makers, overcoming budget issues and keeping everyone on the same page were challenges addressed at a recent Enterprise Level SEO session, explains Merry Morud. The long list of to-dos provides detailed instructions for SEOs attempting to manage massive enterprise Web sites with hundreds or thousands of pages. One panelist shared tips starting with prioritizing a multitude of tasks, paying attention to universal SERPs, and more.
PPC Hero
Some marketers still find it challenging to create ads people stop and read. So Jen serves up advice on integrating an image ad into a paid search campaign. She explains that while the bidding structure for image ads is the same as text, either CPC or CPM, prices are higher. Set the budget accordingly, she writes. Also keep in mind placement-target campaigns using a CPM bid tend to cost more because you want to target a specific position. If you decide image ads are worth testing, Jen provides several steps to get started in Google.
Andrew Goodman provides tips for marketers new to developing paid search campaigns. Goodman suggests rotating multiple ads against a group of keywords, testing much longer than you think, and remembering that quality scores drive accounts. Since successful ads do more than put money in Google's coffer, Goodman tells marketers why these paid search steps are important.
The Milwaukee SEO
You know the old saying: you can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends. And, similar to friends, you can pick your clients. Tony Verre expands on a post written by David Harry that explains how to build relationships with clients. Although clients may know their business and the products and services sold, they pay you to understand how that translates to online consumers, he writes. You need to know they trust your opinion, for starters.
Google Blog
Display advertising has the "creative" promise not seen even in TV ads, according to Neil Mohan, who expanded Google's focus on creative display advertising. He points to the ability to dynamically customize ads in infinite ways and provide two-way interaction and dialogue with consumers.
Search Engine Watch
There are many factors to consider when trying to determine whether to bring SEO in-house -- and this post provides a checklist of them. Aside from getting buy-in from C-level executives, company size, budgets, corporate culture and marketing goals all play an important role. Suggestions also include monitoring analytics for spikes and changes, as well as conducting site audits.
Search Engine Journal
Brian Carter runs through the "most horrendous 10 online mistakes you can make." Carter suggests these mistakes will "probably ruin your entire business." He explains that "ignoring the 5 steps of optimization" and "not learning and adapting" will get you nowhere fast, because using last year's best techniques is no longer a competitive advantage this year.
Google has developed a page that offers a summary of Google service accessibility from within mainland China. The status is determined at the level of the service and may not reflect individual experiences. The latest results for March 24 suggest that YouTube and Blogger remain completely blocked. The site appears to update daily with about a one-day delay.
Search Engine Journal
Maria Nikishyna provides six tips on ways to make content built in Ajax visible to search engines, and tricks on how to use a regular anchor tag page. Nikishyna also suggests not using Ajax for effects but for extra functions that enhance the experience of Web site visitors.