• Google Fiber Reaches For 34 Cities
    Google plans to expand its gigabit speed Internet service to 34 cities in nine metro areas across the U.S., the company said Wednesday. The company said its talking with officials to expand speeds in Portland, Ore.; San Jose, Calif.; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; San Antonio; Nashville, Tenn.; Atlanta; and North Carolina's Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham. The faster speeds will support online education; search; content delivery for video, text and images; cloud services; and more.
  • How 1-800-Dentist Optimized Sign-Up Process 23% In One Week
    1-800-Dentist helps consumers find a dentist. Allison Banko explains how the company optimized its sign-up process to lift conversions by 23% in less than a week. The process began by identifying the key fields like ZIP code, dental needs and insurance, and then making the remaining questions in the form fast and easy to complete.
  • Why Facebook Ads Provide ROI
    Every business should spend at least $1 per day on Facebook Ads, per Brian Carter. He believes companies should make the investment because the platform can reach as many people or more people as radio or TV -- and in whatever country, it offers sophisticated targeting like Google AdWords, and the site offers the lowest cost per 1,000 impressions ad in history. They average around $0.25 per 1,000, which is only 1% of the cost of TV, he explains.
  • WikiLeaks Releases Site Search Engine
    WikiLeaks has released a meta search engine on its site that allows people to search through its archives. The search engine now offers a place where people can query its entire database of published documents using specific phrases and keywords. Filters let users search on specific topics such as U.S. Military Equipment in Iraq or The Spy Files.
  • Google Publishes Etiquette For Glass Explorers
    A list of dos and don'ts now grace the page of the Google Explorer program, giving guidance to those wearing the wearable gadget. Etiquette suggests the same rules apply to Glass in places where mobile phone cameras are not allowed, per the post. Do explore the world, but don't "rock glass" during high-impact sports or become "creepy or rude."
  • Bing Gets Fit
    Microsoft rolled out a fitness-tracking app it calls Bing Health & Fitness for Windows phones. The app launched through the company's Windows Phone app store combines fitness, health and nutrition-tracking features. The company said it remains in the test phase. The app follows the launch earlier in 2014 of Bing Food & Drink Beta and Bing Travel Beta, both also released as test products.
  • Google's Matt Cutts Becomes Game Play
    Developed by NetVoucherCodes.co.uk, a retro game that took five days to develop pays homage to Donkey Kong with Google’s head of SEO Matt Cutts becoming the lead role. Players rack up points by learning how to maneuver YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social signals, and avoid Panda and Penguin penalties. 
  • Bing Releases Code Search
    Bing developers are working with Visual Studio and Microsoft Research teams to develop Bing Code Search Visual Studio extension, an extension using Bing to find relevant code samples in Visual Studio that provide marketers with the ability to review and add that code in the code editor. The Code Search pulls data from MSDN, StackOverflow, Dotnetperls and CSharp411, per Shabbar Hussain.
  • Google Spent $1B-Plus In Clean Energy
    Google spent more than $1 billion in wind and solar power and more than $2 billion in operational maintenance and upgrade costs for about 15 projects, per CNBC. The report explains one Google investment went live last week in Ivanpah, near the California-Nevada state line. The project uses 347,000 sun-facing mirrors to produce 392 megawatts of electricity, powering for more than 140,000 California homes. Digital and tech companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Microsoft are some of the heaviest users of energy. Now they're investing in projects to support the power.
  • The Value In Link Building
    Some might think link building is dead, but Stoney deGeyter believes otherwise. The tactic continues to change. Some links have lost their value, and some can hurt the Web site, but there are still quality links that can boost business in search engine rankings. deGeyter provides marketers with tips, points to values that make a "good link," and explains how they should combine with social signals.
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