by Erik Sass on Jul 29, 8:41 PM
As a new father, I get the impulse to share everything your brilliant, adorable child does. I call it the "proud papa syndrome," and I am prey to it myself. But parents may want to consider throttling back on all this over-sharing -- and not just because the people on the receiving end probably find it deeply annoying. The real danger is that we're creating a digital profile for our kids before they can even say "stop tagging me in photos, dad!" That's the main message of a new study that addresses the phenomenon of "sharenting" on social media.
by Jamie Tedford on Jul 22, 2:42 PM
Summer movie season is in full swing, but the paths viewers will ultimately follow to their seats look much different than they did just a few short years ago. The air-conditioned cinematic temples dotting commercial shopping centers and anchoring suburban big-box complexes haven't moved, but new research from both Google and Facebook suggests that the old ways advertisers reached moviegoers have been replaced.
by Aaron Goldman on Jul 8, 12:59 PM
This past weekend marked the final three shows the four remaining members of the original Grateful Dead will (supposedly) ever play together. I was fortunate to go to the last hurrah on Sunday night - and, among other visions, found inspiration for this column. For all intents and purposes, the Dead helped create the first social network. By building a community and connecting it through technology, the band helped people around the world share their passion for the music and communicate with each other to trade tapes, tickets, etc. So here are 10 things we can learn from the Dead …
by Jamie Tedford on Jul 1, 1:11 PM
I remember the first time I walked into Facebook's offices, years ago. I was met with a sign that said, "Done is better than perfect." The sign was there to remind employees that progress isn't about finding absolute clarity first, then taking the perfect steps forward. It's about moving in the right direction and finding footing faster than the competition. The thing that always impresses me about Facebook, however, is how well it both charges ahead and doubles back to improve things it's already done. One side effect of the forward progress and simultaneous, iterative improvement, however, is that keeping …
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