by Catharine P. Taylor on Apr 29, 11:11 AM
As you're getting organized for next week, remember this if you're in charge of your company's Twitter account(s): fire up that special tweet for Wednesday at 4 p.m. Central Time, and you may just be on your way to engagement most brands can only dream about.
by Bryan Boettger on Apr 22, 3:11 PM
Most people aren't like us. They don't check social feeds every five minutes and they don't know what real-time marketing is. So, this Social Media Insider is short: In honor of Earth Day, unplug and live life the way most people do.
by Catharine P. Taylor on Apr 19, 12:21 AM
One week you're musing about Twitter's new music service (it launched yesterday, by the way); the next week you're wondering if social media can help catch a terrorist. If that doesn't tell you how all-encompassing social media is, I suppose nothing will.
by Bryan Boettger on Apr 16, 1:36 PM
I love the opportunity to compare social media platforms. Personal or pet projects are great ways to test theories or flesh out the changing psychological profiles of different platforms' users. Wanting to see how my contacts on Facebook and LinkedIn differed in their responses, I created two identical surveys and sent a different one to each audience.
by Catharine P. Taylor on Apr 12, 5:11 PM
the only social media headline that truly interested me this week is one that I saw this morning. The only problem is that it's so highly speculative that I probably shouldn't center a column around it. But I am anyway, so there.
by Catharine P. Taylor on Apr 5, 3:18 PM
So, I'm a little bummed that I bought a Droid Razr, because it may be a long time before I can go Home -- Facebook Home, that is. As was announced yesterday, the-Facebook-phone-that-isn't, called Facebook Home, will run on the Android platform, but, in the near term, will only run on a selection of phones from HTC and Samsung, and soon, some other hardware makers overseas. I really want to try it out, because I couldn't tell, from the demos, whether I was looking at a nice little alteration to the Facebook mobile experience, or a game-changer in the making.
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