by Fern Siegel on Apr 28, 7:00 AM
The design is specifically geared to how kids could use and benefit from the app.
by Wendy Davis on Apr 20, 4:19 PM
Senators Amy Klobuchar and Ben Ray Lujan suggested Facebook and Twitter should ban at least 12 of the most prominent individuals who allegedly spread falsehoods about vaccines -- including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
by Larissa Faw on Apr 14, 6:00 AM
Older Americans 50+ are nearly four times more likely to say they feel social media ads are "untrustworthy" versus TV ads (19% vs. 5%).
by Steve McClellan on Apr 7, 6:00 AM
A new report from WPP suggests that might be the case. The good news: fake news and trolling may fade into the sunset.
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