by Erik Sass on Sep 27, 7:00 AM
Is it realistic to expect that openly insulting the stature and ambitions of a totalitarian monster on Twitter will somehow prompt him to move in the direction of compromise and reconciliation?
by Erik Sass on Sep 20, 7:00 AM
A study of 45 brands found that messages delivered via owned social media were less likely to increase purchase intent than messages delivered via earned social media. Owned social media was effective in raising brand awareness and customer satisfaction.
by Erik Sass on Sep 13, 7:00 AM
From a marketing perspective, Felix Kjellberg's (PewDiePie) latest offense serves to highlight, yet again, the perils of working with social-media influencers. They can go off the rails at any moment.
by Erik Sass on Sep 6, 7:00 AM
Launched in June, Verrit is billed as a "social network for the 65.8 million," referring to the number of voters who cast their ballots for Clinton in 2016. Its mission is to provide a "sanctuary in a chaotic media environment," presumably free from the vitriol that attends political discourse in other online platforms.
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