A Car's Symbolic Meaning To The Mexican-American
    The car's meaning to the Hispanic family is beyond the functional (a means of transportation) and emotional (I'm just like other American parents with cars. I belong to the same club), but strikes the rawest nerve in the symbolic meaning of success.
    Culture + Technology Usage = The Perfect Storm
    When you combine the highly social Hispanic culture with strong technology usage, you get a perfect storm. Social media is the perfect avenue to unleash the Hispanic culture. For the most part, every-day Hispanic culture is confined to neighborhoods throughout America. Social media changes that. It gives every-day Hispanics a voice and provides a global, viral platform for spreading the culture.
    As Agencies Evolve, Where Do Hispanic Shops Fit?
    Hispanic agencies need to expand beyond Hispanic capabilities to include other audiences as well as the general market to be relevant. While that decision won't be optional, they will also have to decide whether they going to be specialists or lead agencies in the new "rebundled" multicultural agency world.
    San Diego Thrives Via Hispanic Business
    The city's reputation as the detour location for Hispanic commerce continues to grow.
    Automotive Mom
    Hispanic moms are a key and influential target for automotive communications, particularly as related to selection and purchase of a new family vehicle.
    DRTV's Best Friend
    Until we figure out the profitability of online performance marketing on its own merits, we can take immediate comfort from the knowledge that integrating online to a DRTV campaign can significantly impact the profitability of the TV spend. And this is why it may prove to be the most significant growth opportunity for all advertisers in the U.S. Hispanic Market.
    Is This Group Really More Social?
    On one hand, there are countless studies indicating that Hispanics are extremely engaged with social media. On the other hand, few marketers are proactively leveraging social media to reach online Hispanics.
    Moore's Law
    Let's start with the bad news. Historically, Hispanic marketers have benefited from the relatively large lag of three to five years behind general market adoption of new digital media technology. The good news is that it will level the playing field for organizations looking to reach and engage this population.
    Narrowing The Divide
    U.S. Hispanics lead the way in breaking through the digital divide.
    How Much Do We Really Know About Mexico?
    This is America's closest neighbor with a true foreign culture, providing an ideal lab to see how her mighty brands are being marketed, experienced, and in many cases, crushed by the local competition for lack of being in tune with the local culture.
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