by Richard Whitman on Mar 31, 4:59 PM
Toronto-based creative agency Blackjet has added a unique element to its employee benefits package in order to better attract better talent. While it's not entirely clear just what type of prospect this new benefit will attract, Blackjet has decided it will offer up an incentive that many won't resist: free pot. Because, you know, it's such a #DopeAgency. Yup. That's right. Upon legalization of marijuana in Canada, Blackjet plans to offer it for free. In advance of laws changing in the United States and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushing for change in Canada, Blackjet, we are told, figured it would …
by Richard Whitman on Mar 31, 4:55 PM
The series is billed as "a mostly comedic expedition through the wild advertising wilderness; guaranteed to produce feelings of joy, happiness and/or post traumatic stress."
by Richard Whitman on Mar 30, 5:44 PM
Working with Australia's National Youth Mental Health Foundation, aka Headspace, Leo Burnett Melbourne has developed a Google Chrome extension called Reword.
by Richard Whitman on Mar 29, 5:07 PM
Of the consumers surveyed, 74% agreed that showing transgender people in ads simply reflects the reality of our society today, with 65% agreeing that brands that show transgender people in their ads are brave and progressive.
by Richard Whitman on Mar 28, 4:46 PM
This week's silly time waster posing as real platform development comes to us courtesy of Giant Spoon, which made an app that works with Amazon's Echo.
by Richard Whitman on Mar 27, 4:43 PM
It's no secret that the advertising industry has a unique penchant for creating new words and phrases in an attempt to add "shiny new object" glitter to something that's been done for decades prior.
by Richard Whitman on Mar 24, 9:44 PM
recent study from Quad/Graphics entitled Millennials: An Emerging Consumer Powerhouse, found 90% of Millennials use coupons (digital and other) while shopping and over 50% use good, old-fashioned coupons received via U.S. Mail or in a newspaper or magazine. The same study found that 54% of Millennials find printed retail catalogs received through the mail an important element of their shopping experience. 72% of these Millennials use retail inserts to price compare. Millennials were also found to be more likely than the average American to consume content in printed media for information on food, nutrition, fashion, beauty, celebrity news, entertainment …
by Richard Whitman on Mar 24, 9:41 PM
This Easter, SapientNitro has developed a virtual reality game, a browser-based desktop and mobile experience called, appropriately, Egg Hunt.
by Richard Whitman on Mar 23, 8:05 PM
Wondering just what the hell programmatic is and how it can help your agency or brand?
by Richard Whitman on Mar 22, 9:07 PM
A study conducted in partnership between the 4A's and LinkedIn was unveiled at Tuesday's 4A's Transformation Conference following a panel entitled "The Truth About Talent," which gave a little bit of numeric insight into what all of us already know about working in an ad agency.