• Cigarette Ads Coming Back To TV, Print
    The good news is those ads are court-mandated, aren't designed to sell cancer sticks and probably won't be packed with lies. But it is advertising, so don't expect the whole truth.
  • Battle Brewing Between WPP, Bain Over $1.3 Billion M&A Deal
    Looks like there is a battle brewing between Bain Capital and WPP over a $1.3 billion tender offer Bain is about to make for a big Japanese agency that WPP has a nearly 25% stake in, ADK.
  • 'Give Us The Data And Get Out Of The Room'
    That sounds like something a creative person would say to a media person back in the "Mad Men" days, shortly before the start of a pitch. But a well-known creative said that at Advertising Week in response to a question about nurturing creative culture in the larger consultative setting.
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