• Law School Graduate Emails Photos of His Toned Body in Search for Work
    Recent graduate Brian Zulberti has yet to find a job as a lawyer, but he could have a future in digital marketing. In his ambitious attempt at finding employment, the job candidate emailed thousands of practicing attorneys across the state of Delaware, with a letter of introduction and photo of himself. But instead of sending a professional photo of himself in a suit, he chose a photo that shows off his toned arms. A Google search leads to Zulberti's pretty public Facebook page, where his profile photo is even more revealing. The selfie of Zulberti features him standing in his …
  • The US Army is Expected to Complete its Enterprise Email Platform Migration Today
    The United States Army is about to complete a high-profile IT project has been in the works for some time and migrate its enterprise email platform. The migration, which is expected to end today, includes the transfer of 1.5 million users in the unclassified NIPRNet and 100,000 users on the classified SIPRNet. The Army is coordinating the transfer in collaboration with the Defense Information Systems Agency, which hosts the cloud-based email, and manages features including: global address list, calendar-sharing and a platform for collaborating across geographic locations. The migration is projected to save the Army $76 million in fiscal 2013 …
  • eConsultancy Outlines the Online Email Opt-in Process of 16 Retailers
    According to eConsultancy's Email Census 2013 report, more than have of the companies surveyed generate 10% of their sales directly from email marketing, so it is always a good idea for marketers to encourage email opt-ins. Econsultancy has outlined the email opt-in processes for 16 different retailers. T-shirt retailer Threadless, for instance, invites consumers to sign up for their email program as soon as they enter the site. Once you've signed up, the company follows up with a welcome email. Schuh has simple sign up process on its homepage that asks consumers to share their email address and to define …
  • "Steven Cohen Only Opens 11% of His Emails": Lawyers in Insider Trading Case
    SAC Capital Advisors is defending allegations that hedge fund manager Steven Cohen was involved in an insider trading scandal, claiming that he didn't read the emails at the center of the allegations. The company said that Cohen receives about 1,000 emails a day and only opens about 11% of them. Dmitri Leonov, VP for growth at Sanebox, told CNN Money that this was entirely possible since executives are often bombarded with more emails than they can manage. According to Sanebox's research, the average Sanebox user only considers 42% of their emails important.
  • British Shopper Gets Tracking Email Explaining That His Item is Lost at Sea
    It's unfortunate for consumers to get notifications that a storm has delayed the delivery of a package, but James De Vile's tracking notification takes the cake. While awaiting the delivery of some rare Japanese motorcycle parts, the British man got an email explaining that his order was not coming because the ship it was supposed to arrive on had sunk. "Unfortunately, it would seem there was an accident at sea during the delivery of these items, and unfortunately, your shipments have been lost," read the email. "The reason for this is that while sailing near India the ship was reported …
  • Mailstrom App Helps Email Users Organize Their Inbox
    There are a number of new apps on the market that help email users organize their inboxes. One of the latest releases is called Mailstrom, which creates detailed analysis of a user's email habits and then creates a map of the usage to present to the user on its Web-based dashboard. It breaks down emails showing messages by sender, subject, time, and size, as well as emails from particular mailing lists and social networks. Users can browse their emails by category and check out the most common traits to see who sends the most messages and which subject lines are …
  • Royal Birth Triggers Spam Wave
    Spammers are taking advantage of online excitement over the birth of Prince William and Duchess Kate's new baby by sending malicious emails that include links to bad sites. The emails claim to link to a live news feed of royal baby news but instead point to a site hosting malware. The three feeds within the app point to spammy URLs that serve up Black Hole exploit kits. Downloading one of these kits will compromise a user's computer.
  • Gmail's New Filtering is Hurting Email Open Rates a Little Bit: MailChimp
    Google's new inbox filtering system which puts promotional email messages into a separate email tab in Gmail inboxes is hurting email open rates. According to Matthew Grove of MailChimp, prior to the new tabs going into effect, Gmail users opened emails sent from his company's service on average 13% of the time or more on a typical weekday. Since the feature has been introduced, open rates were less than 12.5%. And as Grove points out, not every user is using the new promotions tab, so average open rates could drop even further.
  • NSA Comes Up Short For Journalist's Freedom of Information Request to Search Employee Emails
    While the NSA has proven itself to be quite technologically advanced in its ability to search through large volumes of emails for surveillance, the organization claims that it is difficult to search its own employee email exchanges. Last week, reporter Justin Elliott filed a freedom of information request to the NSA asking for emails between NSA employees and employees of the National Geographic Channel over a specified period of time. Since the TV station had done a puff piece on the organization, Elliott was curious about the NSA's PR efforts. Unfortunately, his request didn't get him the emails that he …
  • Twitter's Email Preference Center Offers 20 Different Options
    Many brands offer consumers email preference centers where they can control how often they receive emails and about what, but Twitter takes the cake. Mac Observer has created a step-by-step guide to controlling Twitter's email notifications, which can sometimes get out of control, and in their guide, they point out that Twitter has 20 different settings for emails. Users can choose to receive or not to receive emails when their tweets are retweeted, when they are mentioned in a tweet and when their tweets are marked as favorites, for example.
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