Fox News
Who were the victims of a $100 Million email scam? None other than Google and Facebook.
Tips on how financial institutions can leverage inexpensive email targeting.
Heidi Heitkamp, a Democratic Senator from North Dakota, has sent emails criticizing "radical" Republican attempts to unseat her.
CBR Online
Don't write off email, CBR Online writes-it has several advantages over other channels.
The New York Times
New York Times Article condemns pans to kill net neutrality, saying it only benefit the cable and phone industries.
AOL News
United Airlines has apologized in an email for forcible removal of a passenger.
Virginia Police shut down their email system on Wednesday to combat a new form of malware.
Arcserve now includes email archiving based on its acquisition of FastArchiver.
Here's yet another phishing scam, this one stating that your account has been tampered with.
A global reports on the top UK and U.S. retail email marketers.