by Steve Smith on Dec 31, 11:03 AM
Enough with the self-serving industry predictions. We get it. 2014 will be the year that the market inevitably wakes up to the genius of your startup. Instead, let's start a to-do list of what we should be working on to improve the mobile experience.
by Steve Smith on Dec 26, 11:33 AM
One of the most coveted gadget-geek brands of the last century, Leica, embraces Instagram as a sales channel. Like Pinterest before it, Instagram is evolving into an aspirational social network just begging to be treated by marketers as a catalog channel.
by Steve Smith on Dec 19, 2:56 PM
A new app-controlled LED lighting set from Phillips foreshadows a new era in marital relations. the war over the remote escalates considerably when basic appliances migrate to app control.
by Steve Smith on Dec 17, 8:00 AM
According to one ad platform, mobile rules the retail roost for last-minute Santas. These deadline-driven searchers need to use brick-and-mortar at the last minute, but mobile is the way they get there.
by Steve Smith on Dec 13, 9:45 AM
The new "visual album" from one of the world's most popular artists underscores how much apps, devices, social media, Apple and video are inviting music to reinvent itself.
by Steve Smith on Dec 11, 9:31 AM
AR pioneer GoldRun has focused the simplest implementation of augmented reality, the overlay, on branded assets. Its Snaps app allows fans to play with virtual images of product, logos, characters. It lets the brand get into the picture -- one of the killer apps of mobile.
by Steve Smith on Dec 5, 8:31 AM
Do mobile ads actually work best when they involve high-involvement products that are highly useful? Three academic researchers hypothesize that mobile banners don't inform us so much as remind us of what we already know.about a product.
by Steve Smith on Dec 3, 5:08 PM
Quiznos is testing geo-fenced ads that appear in-stream and onscreen for connected cars on the Aha network of personalized Web audio content. Location has become an interesting new contested space.
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