by Philip Rosenstein on Jan 28, 4:30 PM
Digital media has reached parity with TV as a primary information source about presidential candidates, says the IAB. Primary users of online digital media are also more likely to take action after being served a political ad.
by Chuck Martin on Jan 26, 11:12 AM
Beacons may be the most pervasive connected devices that consumers experience in the near future. A couple of years in the making, beacons are now starting to be rolled out in some serious scale. Last week at the National Retail Federation Big Show in New York, Verifone said that going forward, its point-of-sale terminals would have beacons from Footmarks built in.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jan 21, 10:52 PM
There will be lots of predictions for the year ahead, but nothing seems to be as pivotal as recognizing how much mobile video viewing is exploding.
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 19, 12:33 PM
If you're in the mobile game, 2016 is more about apps than ever before. Just consider the numbers. By the end of the year, the app economy is on track to reach $143 billion, according to a new report from ACT | The App Association, based on data from research2guidance, AppNation, and VisionMobile.
by Gavin O'Malley on Jan 14, 11:05 AM
Coming off a breakout holiday season, mcommerce is poised for a bang-up 2016 according to a growing body of forecasts, including a new one from Bizrate Insights -- a unit of Connexity, the marketing services company formerly known to the world as Shopzilla.
by Chuck Martin on Jan 12, 11:03 AM
Some of the innovations unveiled at CES this year show that The Internet of Things is causing some of the lines to blur. The idea of one device doing one thing is often falling by the wayside. Or maybe more accurately, it's that a device designed to do one thing is now branching out into other areas. With so many connections and so many capabilities that can be baked into products and services, it's only natural that an entity can expand its products so that they begin to overlap someone else's.
by Erik Sass on Jan 7, 11:23 AM
The total cross-platform audience for U.S. consumer magazines, including both print and digital channels and not excluding duplicates, increased 4.1% from November 2014 to the same period in 2015. The increase was due mostly to growth in digital audiences, with mobile rapidly supplanting desktop as the digital medium of choice.
by Steve Smith on Jan 5, 9:01 AM
The phablet wins. Bigger mobile screens are driving insanely higher levels of media consumption. Sony was right. We wanted TVs in our pockets all along.
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