by Steve Smith on Mar 28, 9:51 AM
I'm beginning to wonder whether the many attempts at creating what we used to call webisodic serial video programming on the Web actually have a better home on devices. After all, most Web video series were conceived as bite-size streaming media content. Portability is in their DNA.
by Steve Smith on Mar 26, 9:47 AM
Increasingly, magazine publishers and candy and soda manufacturers appear to be worried that the checkout experience where they rely on impulse buying is being clouded by mobile phone use. According to Bloomberg, the perceived phenomenon is moving some marketers -- especially in the magazine and soda segments -- to look for other places at retail to intercept the shopper.
by Steve Smith on Mar 21, 9:30 AM
Even in these early stages we are seeing how mobility will profoundly alter media consumption. Content can now find new circumstances, and "mass" media is in its last days.
by Steve Smith on Mar 19, 8:58 AM
As cable niche networks cater to specific tastes and the DVR lets us cherry-pick programming disentangled from their grid, the brand value of the traditional TV network is debatable at best. Do many of us really identify CBS, NBC, Fox and ABC prime time with specific types of programs? Do they have a tone and spirit that unifies the grid across morning, day and nighttime parts?
by Steve Smith on Mar 14, 8:49 AM
Having the full TV/DVR/On Demand experience truly mobilized means that the user is able to map their own video consumption against a range of new use case, modes and even moods.
by Steve Smith on Mar 12, 9:57 AM
Agencies and marketers were chasing the cool kids at SXSW. Everyone wants to figure out a way to be "authentic" at scale.
by Steve Smith on Mar 7, 11:12 AM
Even marketers give themselves only average marks in their mobile executions, while agencies scold that brands have rushed in without enough of a plan.
by Steve Smith on Mar 5, 8:29 AM
With Foursquare's latest app upgrade, the company that popularized the mobile "check-in" seems to recognize that you don't build a company on getting people to engage in behavior that most of us regard as silly.
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