by Steve Smith on May 30, 9:09 AM
The subtitle of Mary Meeker's latest monster state of the Internet deck could be "Revenge of the Masses" or "Mass Media In Reverse." The media coming from users, rather than to them, is where the action will be.
by Steve Smith on May 28, 9:12 AM
After treating tablets as just another distribution vehicle, magazines are starting to see this as an opportunity to marry their print and Web efforts in more creative ways.
by Steve Smith on May 23, 9:46 AM
According to Monetate's EQ survey, activity at commerce sites from devices nearly doubled since last year. So when is someone going to help me juggle those multiple screens?
by Steve Smith on May 21, 9:13 AM
For most of us the real everyday mobile media is when we see something astonishing that we want to record or share. That is the passion that marketers really want to understand, inspire, facilitate and align with.
by Steve Smith on May 16, 5:04 PM
A b-grade horror flick was released direct to the app format today. App-goers will be invited to buy the film by the section if they like through in-app purchases.
by Steve Smith on May 14, 4:22 PM
TV Everywhere may suffer from low ambitions. We don't really want our devices to behave like TV circa 1980, do we? Programmers should be thinking about adding real value.
by Steve Smith on May 9, 9:05 AM
In its latest push to demonstrate the power of mobile, especially search, on the marketing economy, Google released research today arguing that smartphones are dramatically changing the retail experience.
by Steve Smith on May 7, 9:03 AM
Google slipped into its Gmail for iOS app a new intra-app functionality that circumvents Apple's stronghold on default apps. The app ecosystem is straining against the ways we want to use these platforms.
by Steve Smith on May 2, 5:56 PM
The way marketers define "mobile moments" is quite different from how most consumers are coming to define them in their everyday lives and the real relationships that still form the core of the mobile "medium."
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