by Steve Smith on Apr 30, 4:24 PM
CNNx is a reimagining of how we might consume news in a highly personal, on-demand world. It begs the question of how marketers can become more native not only to the content, but to a much richer kind of interactive media experience.
by Steve Smith on Apr 23, 7:28 AM
A new set of social codes and even marketing points are arising from a post-mass media age of radically personal, on-demand media consumption.
by Harry Kargman on Apr 21, 9:00 AM
The expected experience of mobile pre-roll is that a video advertisement will appear immediately before the editorial video content in the same video player. Much of what is being sold today does not meet this litmus test. There is much greater scarcity of mobile pre-roll than the industry recognizes -- and the market needs a whistleblower.
by Steve Smith on Apr 16, 11:17 AM
In buying digital comics pioneer ComiXology last week, Amazon continued to signal that it's interested in revising and enhancing the media experience as it expands its distribution and publishing muscle.
by Maya Mikhailov on Apr 11, 12:00 AM
What began as a focus on personalized selling and a handshake has turned into a carnival of "innovations," "game-changers" and "disruptions." Each is creating an increasingly fragmented and somehow more impersonal relationship, with the people they are trying to connect with. For today's CMO, understanding that your mobile audience is your best and most loyal fans is everything.
by Beth Kindig on Apr 8, 11:55 AM
If you're developing a mobile app for today's market, you'll need to know about deep linking. Rarely has an advancement had the potential to universally improve the 2.5 million apps on the market, regardless of the operating system or category of the app.
by Vaileios Tziokas on Apr 4, 11:23 AM
While the golden ticket to success in emerging markets is often considered to be consistent undercutting on price and the introduction of inexpensive phones, there is a second ongoing battle: the app store wars. Consumers in the developing world want smartphones in order to access more complex content on their phones; however, the landscape is vastly different in emerging markets. The question for brands is: how can they make phones cheap enough for emerging markets and provide for the new era of apps? Will consumers prefer a cheaper phone -- or one that is able to provide services that they …
by Jason Squardo on Apr 1, 7:25 AM
Marketers that embrace mobile marketing see greater returns on their overall digital marketing investment. But to specifically succeed in the mobile search market, businesses need to focus on creating content that appeals to mobile users and building digital offerings that are optimized for mobile devices.
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