• Nine Challenges Facing The Growth Of Branded Content
    In a previous article, I had mentioned in passing that "branded content will face headwinds in 2011," which prompted a couple of readers to ask: Why?<
  • Democratizing Media: The Transition To A 'Have It Your Way' Stage
    In the last couple of years we have been privileged to watch the digital era become real. No longer are we at home glued to the TV waiting for the new episode of must-see TV. That era of media consumption is ending -- there is a power shift happening -- and the era of individualized consumption is beginning.
  • 2011: The Future of Consolidation In The Online Video Industry
    In this season of reflection and predictions, the online video industry continues to be a trending topic. Among the top digital media stories in recent weeks have been news of multiple mergers between leading video ad networks -- and speculation of additional tie-ups to come.
  • Why People Share Online Videos -- And Why Marketers Should Care
    A pivotal component of online video marketing is sharing. If your target audience isn't sharing your brand, business or organization's videos, they aren't sharing your marketing message, either. Understanding why audiences share video content is important in developing successful video and social media marketing campaigns.
  • There Is No Money In Online Video -- None. (Unless You Have The Scale Marketers Need)
    The Paradox: Video traffic on the Web consistently generates the highest CPM from advertisers. But if you're a publisher, even a known premium brand, and you produce your own videos and are not generating at least 10 million video views per month, you are almost certainly losing money every month on your video business.
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