by Daisy Whitney on Jul 31, 4:11 PM
The auto sector has long been a bellwether not only for advertising, but for all of media and marketing. According to a new report from local market research firm Borrell Associates, car sales will be up this year, but guess what? Local auto ad spending is down for newspapers, radio, and even the stalwart of TV, but rising for direct mail, online and mobile.
by John R. Osborn on Jul 30, 12:16 PM
Perhaps the greatest challenge in the ad-supported T/V (Television/video) sector is one of its own making: the runaway proliferation of T/V ad scheduling. Today a linear viewer is asked to behave in a way no sane person would: to sit through 20 minutes of non-program content for 40 minutes of programming. Of course, most viewers don't sit through ads. They avoid them through various readily available technologies like DVRs and fast-forwarding, by going to second screens, or by just leaving the room. Advertisers have cooperated with this flooding of ad clutter, under the illusion that CPMs would be much higher …
by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan on Jul 29, 3:11 PM
Omnicom and Publicis merged to create the largest holding company in advertising, surpassing WPP. Critics would argue this is a disaster waiting to happen.
by Daisy Whitney on Jul 25, 3:48 PM
The online video world is hurtling quickly in two directions: targeting and real-time buying. Real-time video buying is on track to comprise nearly 25% of online video ad spend next year, and already we're seeing positive results from a range of real-time campaigns.
by Chris Young on Jul 24, 4:49 PM
"We want to go viral!" We've all heard that cry, In the age of YouTube and social media, it's arguably the number-one thing that marketers concern themselves with when creating video content for mass consumption. What do the best viral content creators have in common? Often, they're not all trying to create viral content -- it just happens, because it's good. Here's the other big dirty secret to keep in mind: Not all brands are built to create viral content. No matter how hard they try, some brands just can't do it.
by Eric Korsh on Jul 23, 1:42 PM
We all know that content consumption is changing, that video is converging across screens, and that younger people care less about where and how they consume their favorite content. But traditional TV is still the dominant media force today, crushing everything by a country mile in terms of scale, reach, and sustainable cultural currency. Which is why as TV ratings drop, and cord-cutting increases, we continue to search for how TV will evolve. But what do we even mean when we say "TV"?
by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan on Jul 22, 12:07 PM
Of late, we've heard a very vocal minority complain about YouTube's value proposition to content creators.A simple Google search can yield what kind of revenue split and what kind of CPMs YouTube channels can expect. Without a doubt, it's not ideal. But the bottom line is that when you consider all of the moving parts that are required to come together to produce, publish and syndicate content, YouTube is arguably the best ROI option out there.
by Daisy Whitney on Jul 18, 3:45 PM
Sure, the online video ad market is growing like crazy, with the latest statistics citing the market as slated to hit $4.6 billon next year, up from $3.6 billion this year. But you get what you pay for -- because some of that money is being thrown away. Video ad management platform Vindico has estimated that as much as 30% to 40% of video ad impressions are fraudulent or poor quality, and in a study released this week it specifically reports than major media sites outperform ad exchanges in the number of quality placements by two to one.
by Alex Merwin on Jul 17, 8:31 AM
Programmatic is officially the video ad tech buzzword of the year. But if you take a look at an ad trade publication or attend an industry conference, you'll notice much of the conversation is weighted towards publishers. Tips, strategies and plans for getting the sell-side to move faster abound, and rightly so. It's no secret that the digital video industry has faced a supply scarcity problem for some time now. Consumers continue to seek online video in an ever-expanding array of places and destinations, yet for a variety of reasons publishers still aren't meeting the demand. But the responsibility weighs …
by on Jul 16, 3:52 PM
None of us get to pick which set-top box we want or which interface we like. But Microsoft, Roku, Apple, LG, Sony, Samsung, with its recent acquisition of Boxee, and countless other connected TV platforms are giving consumers some element of choice. What impact will the continued adoption of these devices have on the consumption trends of traditional and digital video sources? Will more online video sources finally break into the TV? Content is undoubtedly the key factor influencing consumption, and recent months have shown us that original programming isn't just for big nets.