by Jeremy Ostermiller on Mar 31, 3:11 PM
Recent research by eMarketer shows mobile video ad spend is on the rise, up 119% in 2014 alone, with growth projected to outperform desktop video ads for the next five years. Still, this marketplace faces some surprising headwinds. Contrary to desktop video, premium mobile supply currently far outstrips demand.
by on Mar 30, 4:01 PM
Today the IAB announced support for a Video Addendum to MRAID. Since MRAID is technically a rich-media standard rather than a video standard, and since the VPAID video standard already exists, many people may find this move confusing. So let's clear up the confusion and try to understand how the two standards fit together.
by John Tuchtenhagen on Mar 27, 4:07 PM
I was recently invited to sit on a Google agency panel designed to solicit my perspective - as a cross-channel video media buyer - on what obstacles remained for the company's YouTube product to unlock the large-scale television dollars that have eluded it thus far. The good news is that with predictions of a shaky TV upfront market, given weak Q1 scatter pricing and the continued erosion of network and cable ratings, now may be the best time in a generation for disrupting the TV upfront process and making bold moves to steal away brand dollars from the traditional broadcast …
by Alvin Bowles on Mar 26, 1:14 PM
Brands and their agencies still have some distance to go on getting their menu plan in place for cross-screen video advertising. We all know that a solid plan is diversified, targeted, measurable and adaptable over time -- and, moving forward, it includes a strong video play across desktop, tablet and mobile. So, while brands express an increasing interest in integrating cross-screen tactics, their approach needs to evolve from current agency media KPIs. How do we guide them to set that table?
by Daisy Whitney on Mar 23, 9:22 PM
The tide is turning. Once considered merely an "early adopter" offering, over-the-top services are poised to come into their own and earn some big bucks. Pay TV revenues peaked two years ago and are now on the drop, at the same time that over-the-top revenues have begun to significantly grow, according to a study from Digital TV Research.
by Mallory Russell on Mar 20, 3:52 PM
The Super Bowl is a huge event for advertising, and online video in particular. Campaigns associated with the 2015 Super Bowl have generated more than 460 million views. But brands don't need a major event like the Super Bowl to create major viewership. On March 3, the Ad Council released "Love Has No Labels," which aims to overcome bias and embrace diversity through love. It has surpassed all 2015 Super Bowl campaigns to be the most-watched campaign of the year, to date.
by Doug Conely on Mar 19, 4:02 PM
Brands and publishers are increasingly turning to online video advertising across multiple screens to earn the attention of users and monetize content. While the industry has looked hard at measurement and effectiveness, it has not asked itself whether the current pricing models incentivize participants appropriately. For example, cost per thousand (CPM) pricing ignores the value of engagement, while cost per engagement (CPE) ignores the value of the teaser. Both have their strengths, but still stifle creativity and targeting advances. I believe developing a new hybrid pricing model that combines the incentives of CPM and CPE pricing may be a good …
by Daisy Whitney on Mar 18, 2:18 PM
Sunday is the best day of the week for consumers to watch videos about your product. So says the latest benchmark study from e-commerce technology company Invodo, analyzing the performance of online video in driving sales. Shoppers were most likely to view or engage with a product video on a Sunday than any other day the week.
by Mallory Russell on Mar 13, 4:09 PM
On Wednesday, Intel released the trailer for the fourth installment of its Inside Film series. In this year's video, "What Lives Inside," Intel partners with Dell for the first time and dives into a new genre, fantasy.
by John R. Osborn on Mar 12, 2:38 PM
Language certainly matters. In recent industry conversations, I perceive a hesitancy to use the word "programmatic" in the emerging T/V supply-side space. Instead, I am hearing more and more companies use the phrase "automated ad sales" rather than "programmatic." Is this euphemism necessary?