by David Koretz on Aug 25, 9:45 AM
If local advertising is the future, where are all the customers? $137 billion will be spent in local advertising this year, yet only $22.9 of it will be online, according to BIA Kelsey Group. That's a pretty small pie on a relative basis, cut into several smaller pieces. For online publishers reliant largely on display advertising to keep the lights on, these are not encouraging numbers. What gives?
by Daniel Ambrose on Aug 18, 6:41 PM
My salespeople have an automatic advantage," said the CEO of the behavioral ad network. "My salespeople talk to advertisers and agencies about the client's customers and how to reach them. That is an advantage because their own needs are precisely what clients and prospects want to talk about." This is a stark contrast to media properties who open the conversation talking about their own audience, which the buyers don't directly care -- about.
by Amy Auerbach, Jason Krebs on Aug 11, 12:30 PM
Question from a buyer: I'm a 24-year-old digital media planner. Why does everyone make fun of me?
by Ari Rosenberg on Aug 4, 12:30 PM
Evidon hosted a consumer privacy conference on July 19 in New York City, which I attended. The conference agenda centered on "our" industry's self-regulatory program called "Do Not Track" (D.N.T.). The experts on the panels were incredibly well-spoken, extremely well-educated on the subject matter, seemed like very nice people -- and, for the most part, were all full of b.s.
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