by Ari Rosenberg on Jun 24, 11:15 AM
Who benefits when publishers that charge for print media, give it away for free online? Before you scream "consumers," consider this: paying for the privilege to read high quality content was often a competitive advantage for consumers. If you paid to read the New York Times and Wall Street Journal every day, you were more informed than the person who didn't -- and didn't that advantage feel both nice and well-earned?
by David Koretz on Jun 17, 11:13 AM
Technology is now doing more damage than good. Left unchecked, our children will live longer but lower-quality lives than our own.
by Daniel Ambrose on Jun 10, 3:30 PM
I have worked in the media business, funded primarily by advertisers, for more than 30 years. Not once have I had a client say to me, "Last year you worked really hard to get my attention and made a really well-thought-out proposal for my business. We were wrong last year to not buy you, so we're doing it this year." What clients and agencies have said, after I worked my butt off to win their business, is: "Things have changed, so we're adding you to the schedule."
by Amy Auerbach, Jason Krebs on Jun 3, 12:02 PM
My agency just sent out the annual summer Friday schedule. But who are they kidding? I still barely keep up with what I'm working on Monday through Thursday. And the economy is still pretty bad. I'm afraid not to be seen at my desk working. Are summer Fridays still a part of the advertising business? Should I be worried if I'm actually taking them?
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