by Kevin Mannion on Sep 25, 12:15 PM
The interactive dimension of the Web continues to deepen and broaden. Social media, professional communities, user-generated content, games, widgets, video -- all attest to richer levels of audience engagement. How do publishers make the most of this heightened interactivity?
by David Koretz on Sep 18, 10:15 AM
While the online advertising industry struggles, one sector is purposely restraining its growth. Online video advertising could be a $20 billion juggernaut virtually overnight. The television networks just need to be willing to eat their own young. And it has nothing to do with ad formats. Our industry has this perverse need to "innovate" even when the best solution already exists. We have all suffered through countless arguments about pre-rolls versus post-rolls, the correct length of ads, and how to integrate interactivity into ads. These arguments overlook the simplest fact of video advertising: the current format works.
by Kory Kredit on Sep 11, 1:45 PM
On a recent flight from Phoenix to attend Ad:Tech Chicago, I was sitting near a young boy and his father. As we lifted off and began our rapid ascent, he gazed out the window and proclaimed to his father, "Look dad, the earth is tilting." From his perspective, it seemed perfectly logical to conclude that the earth must be tilting since he was still sitting in his seat and the horizon was no longer flat. ndividual perspective can cause two people who observe the exact same thing to interpret it differently. Such was the case in a recent column in …
by Ari Rosenberg on Sep 4, 12:00 PM
It's happening in front of our eyes. Paid ad placements, inside the garden walls protecting traditional media values, are poisoning the grounds where Henry Luce and our publishing forefathers first drew "the line" separating church from state. Today's media-buying demand for a "big idea" required to earn a media commitment, combined with a softer and more competitive environment, all driven by a sales force that has no idea who Henry Luce is, have publishers doing things not done before.
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