by Ari Rosenberg on Apr 25, 9:28 AM
Timothy Cook, Apple's embattled CEO, announced that Apple iMacs are now available for sale at all New Jersey Turnpike rest stops. The deal sent shockwaves from Exit 18W all the way down to Exit 1.
by Denise Colella on Apr 11, 6:58 AM
Mention the word "optimization" in the online advertising world, and images of the ad operations team instantly come to mind. However, the combination of new technologies, evolving campaign success metrics and increasing advertiser demands means that optimization can no longer fall solely on the ad ops teams' shoulders. Rather, in today's ecosystem, optimization is central to every campaign and must be looked at holistically by sales and ad ops, at the start of each campaign and straight through until the campaign is delivered in full.
by Ari Rosenberg on Apr 4, 9:55 AM
We have industry journalists writing articles saying "banners" are meaningless and the clicks they elicit mean even less. We have industry pundits putting their weight behind attribution models and native advertising solutions in an attempt to move away from performance metrics and closer toward the brand ad dollars that have escaped us. Then we have the programmatic marketplace promoting greater performance through sophisticated audience targeting. Then, of course, there is Google, a company that earns a whole bunch of money selling ads, based on clicks.It's official: online advertising is schizophrenic. We are 19 years old and we don't know who …
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