by Kevin Mannion on Feb 28, 10:31 AM
In my Metrics Insider series on "The New Metrics of Online Audience Engagement," I looked at three dynamics of the current challenge of measuring engagement: * Part 1: The challenges facing comScore and Nielsen in defining and measuring engagement and whether there is a better method * Part 2: A new model of engagement that recognizes and gives insight into the complexity of audience behavior on a site * Part 3: How the new model can impact advertising decisions. The online and offline dialogue the series has generated provides good food for thought....
by Eric J. Hansen on Feb 21, 10:15 AM
Online publishers today are under tremendous pressures to ensure their sites are as efficient as possible to not only engage their readers so that they keep coming back, but also to make their sites valuable and attractive advertising properties for media buyers, advertisers and the top online lead generation providers to create revenue and remain competitive.
by David Koretz on Feb 14, 11:30 AM
Henry Ford said "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." In this new world of Web-based applications, advertisers and application developers alike are mistakenly searching for a faster horse.
by Jere Doyle on Feb 7, 4:00 PM
There's been much attention paid recently to whether or not social networking and community-based sites will embrace advertising. It's a touchy subject for publishers in this realm, and understandably so. Much of the controversy revolves around concerns that consumers won't tolerate marketing messages in this environment, since they often feel a very personal connection and a certain level of ownership over the contents of these sites. Publishers worry about turning their visitors off and sending massive amounts of their traffic to competitors.
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