by on Jun 14, 7:00 AM
Publishers that have tried to replace declining print and digital ad sales with consumer revenue must also confront people's unwillingness to pay for online news.
by on Jun 13, 7:00 AM
Jesse Angelo, the former chairman-CEO of the 'New York Post,' will oversee news, TV and digital at Vice.
by on Jun 12, 7:00 AM
Hearst Magazines hired two executives in its video-production unit as the publisher expands its roster of episodic digital series.
by on Jun 11, 7:00 AM
'Esquire' is the latest fashion magazine to appoint a digital editor to run its print edition, amid the migration of audiences to the internet and smartphone apps.
by Kurt Abrahamson on Jun 10, 7:00 AM
Goldberg got into trouble while trying to explain why more women and people of color are not writing cover stories for the magazine.
by on Jun 7, 7:00 AM
Newmark's donation to Consumer Reports is admirable, considering consumers need another watchdog on the technology industry.
by on Jun 6, 7:00 AM
Vice Media this week let go of Jonathan Smith as editor in chief of its website, along with Rachel Schallom, the site's managing editor.
by on Jun 5, 7:00 AM
Apple plans to roll out a transcription service for podcasts that will make their content more easily searchable.
by on Jun 4, 7:00 AM
The company partnered with the New Jersey Institute of Technology to educate employees on data analysis through Hearst Data University.
by on Jun 3, 7:00 AM
The union is seeking wage minimums and guaranteed raises that reflect rising living expenses, longer severance and a share of revenue from content licensing.
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