• Google Maps Adds Waze Traffic Reports
    Google Maps incorporated iOS and Android versions into real-time traffic reports from Waze users. Google acquired Waze in June to improve mapping services by integrating user feedback to update reports. The company also integrated Google Search to give users more search results. Brian McClendon explains how Waze Map Editor added Google Street View and satellite images to help people correct map errors.
  • How To Approach Differences In Search Opinions
    Clients, whether internal or external, and search marketing experts don't always see eye-to-eye on projects. Brittan Bright shares her thoughts on overcoming the most common differences in opinion between clients and experts, along with recommendations for how to get things back on track. SEO professionals not only need to know how to optimize for search, but they also need business negotiation skills. Empathy is key. Know the history behind the initial decisions. It creates a better, long-term relationship. Read the article here.
  • Twitter Hacked In The Name Of Islam
    A Mauritania hacker gained access to Twitter login details, which he published online, reports Gigaom. The information doesn't include direct passwords, but rather those who give access to third-party apps through tokens. The OAuth tokens are used to connect Twitter accounts to third-party services without having to reveal the user’s password.
  • Google Services Interrupted Friday
    How many clicks did your paid-search ads miss when Google's search engine went dark Friday evening for one to five minutes? Just in case you missed it. The outage also affected other Google services like Gmail and Spreadsheets. Clicking on the dot under Friday's date will provide information on each one of the disrupted services.
  • What Trends Are You Missing?
    Jayson DeMers describes the most common content marketing mistakes and how to fix them. Missing trends and the data supporting them provides compelling insight to support a content marketing strategy. It's easy to forget that a drop in Web site traffic makes it obvious the content doesn't speak to the correct audience. Consumers come to your site for specific reasons. Understanding the site's audience helps content writers structure topics, and create compelling data and graphics that set the tone and help consumers accomplish the task. Read the article here.
  • Twitter Hires Google Entertainment Exec
    Twitter has hired Jennifer Prince, former Google head of media and entertainment ad sales. Variety reports that she will build a sales team to expand Twitter's coverage of movies and TV that could delve into the video game business. Prince's goal will become promoting Twitter as the "social soundtrack," enhancing marketing of TV shows and movies, as well as talking to movie and TV execs to determine future services.
  • Overlooked Google Enhanced Campaign Tasks
    Andrew Beckman gives us a rundown of what clients have experienced with Google Enhanced Campaigns, and provides a list of overlooked tasks since the launch. Some of the suggestions include: make sure that settings are identical; take advantage of ad group-level ad extensions and bid adjustments when it makes sense; and for those with geotargeted campaigns, be sure to triple-check all of settings to line them up with previous targeting parameters. Read the article here.
  • Bing: Calling All Photographers
    Bing kicked off a contest Monday in partnership with the Discovery channel to find the best hometown photos. The search engine invites photographers -- from amateur to professional -- to submit photos for a chance to have it appear on Bing's home page. The engine will announce the top 10 finalists September 10, and fans can vote for their favorite on Facebook. Bing will reveal the photographer and feature the photo on the Bing home page Oct 1.
  • How To Make The Right Brain Work With The Left
    Johnathan Dane compares pay-per-click marketing with having a child. Both leave you sleepless when they are young. When it comes to paid search, marketers need creative and analytical approaches to work together. Dane shows us how to link AdWords to Analytics, set unique tracking parameters, and use call tracking that links with Google Analytics.
  • Former Googler To Run Flickr
    Bernardo Hernandez, who helped to complete Google's acquisition of Zagat, will take over at Flickr, according to Twitter tweets sent late Tuesday. CNET reports that he will have the challenge of transforming the Web company's photo-sharing strategy, which includes integrating Tumblr.
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