by George Bilbrey on Jul 6, 12:30 PM
My company recently released a new study on sender reputation and the factors that influence inbox placement rates. The report showed that complaint rate, spam trap hit rate and unknown user rate are the biggest factors in determining whether or not your emails get delivered to the inbox. It's always great to have more validation for what we've been saying for years, and information like this is very powerful in helping marketers to implement best practices. That's the world of reputation today. What does the reputation and deliverability world look like tomorrow? As expected, I have a few thoughts.
by on Jul 5, 3:00 PM
As seasoned email marketers know, the arrival of sunny summer days means that it's time to start planning your holiday campaign strategy. This year, take heed of all the multichannel buzz -- especially around the mobile channel -- when considering your holiday sends. Now is the time to start thinking about how your email campaigns can support subscriber mobile use in ways that add value to shopping experiences and boost conversion rates online and in-store.