by Mark Klein on Apr 30, 2:42 PM
Check out your email marketing and question-formulating smarts.
by Catherine Magoffin on Apr 24, 2:28 PM
In case you haven't noticed, happiness is having a major moment. Cropping up all around us are very happy, catchy tunes, special DIY projects, major research projects and more, all in the name of happy. In my opinion, any theme with this much traction should be taken as a cue for marketers. In fact, happy birthday and anniversary messages are known to drive stronger than average engagement, and are often successfully used as opportunities to build loyalty and drive action. So let's get this party started and explore how to get happy in the inbox!
by Kara Trivunovic on Apr 23, 11:12 AM
To plan and drive your email programs forward, it is critical to truly understand the metrics that have been the most meaningful to your programs' successes. But we need to do more than reflect to position our email programs for future growth. We also need to start looking forward and projecting trends, which may indicate longer-term and more telling measures of success, like revenue. Click-to-open rate (CTOR) is one of those forward-looking indicators.
by Chad White on Apr 22, 10:37 AM
There's probably no greater fascination among email marketers than subject lines. Creating magic in just a few dozen characters is a mix of art, science and luck. While straightforward subject lines tend to fare best, I recently shared 100 of my favorite creative subject lines since 2006 to inspire folks to experiment and test. We asked readers to tweet their favorite subject lines from the collection, and keeping track of the nearly 500 tweets revealed some interesting trends.
by David Baker on Apr 21, 11:13 AM
As a marketer, and one who strives to see around the corner, I continually ask, what will our world of consumer and business advertising/marketing look like in the future? Here are some 2017 predictions related to email marketing as we know it today:
by Loren McDonald on Apr 17, 2:48 PM
Email address turnover -- "churn" -- is a fact of life for email marketers, as I said in my previous Email Insider, but you have many strategies and tactics to help reduce it.
by Amanda Hinkle on Apr 10, 2:31 PM
Spring has sprung, and for those of us who suffered through the bitterly cold winter (shout out to our readers in the North) - it's time to come out of hibernation and get moving!
by David Baker on Apr 7, 12:20 PM
I recall one of the first email marketing applications I ever saw: a very basic, linear approach to creating and sending an email campaign. It was designed for the person with a hundred email addresses who had limited experience with a computer. It was simple! The industry has evolved from the days of simple applications designed to support a couple of tasks to very involved workflow solutions designed to allow many people to work on the same campaign, work on many variations of creative and parse through hundreds of segments and reports.
by Loren McDonald on Apr 3, 1:12 PM
Recently, a reader tweeted a link to "Have You Tackled Your List Churn?" -- an Email Insider column I wrote in 2008. It was a pleasant surprise, but also a reminder that the general causes and cures for database churn have remained consistent the last six years. However, the inbox environment has changed in many ways since I wrote that column:
by George Bilbrey on Apr 2, 11:09 AM
If you don't have a reengagement strategy to keep inactive subscribers from falling out of your email program, you should. But if you're not prepared to do it right, you'll probably do more harm than good. Reengagement campaigns help you retain relationships with qualified subscribers: well-targeted people you've paid to acquire. The cost of finding them is typically many times higher than the cost of keeping them. Reengagement campaigns also help you identify deadweight in your lists -- relationships that can't be saved -- so inactive names don't drag down your inbox placement rates (IPR) for your active subscribers. It …
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