by Ray Schultz on Apr 29, 2:53 PM
Adobe advises candidates applying for jobs in marketing and IT to study up on Photoshop, video editing and digital marketing.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 28, 5:08 PM
Most marketing teams are successful at Agile Marketing, but only 29% are very successful, Ascend2 reports.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 27, 1:20 PM
Complaint follows study showing that the major email services have algorithmic spam biases.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 26, 5:42 PM
Companies have failed to automate their data request processes, Cytrio reports.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 25, 6:01 PM
Cookies are not slated to disappear until 2023, but marketers are already feeling the loss, judging by Cookieless World: The Shifting MarTech Landscape, a study by Loyalty Research and RepData.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 22, 1:26 PM
B2B brands are facing cookie loss and onboarding difficulties, Stirista reports.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 21, 1:32 PM
MBLM lists the top ten brands in terms of brand intimacy. But do they consider email metrics?
by Ray Schultz on Apr 20, 11:23 AM
Salesforce finds that fewer than half of companies are now confident in their ability to hit sales targets.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 19, 3:33 PM
But most consumers are concerned about privacy -- especially those who work in artificial intelligence (AI), reports.
by Ray Schultz on Apr 18, 2:20 PM
Pipeline is seen as the top 2022 challenge, and automation second, LeanData, Sales Hacker, Heinz Marketing and Outreach report.