by Chad White on Jun 28, 2:01 AM
Paper or plastic? Vanilla or chocolate? Regular gasoline or super? All are questions for the ages. But among email marketers there's another burning question: Should I use buttons or links for my calls-to-action?
by Bill McCloskey on Jun 27, 2:00 AM
I've been LinkedIn-crazy lately. It's good to remind myself that the greatest asset I bring to my company is my personal network of contacts. And most of that networking is done through email: one-to-one email marketing at its (hopefully) best.
by daniel.c , Melinda Krueger on Jun 26, 2:00 AM
Dear Email Diva: What are the rules for political emailing? According to someone who works on political email campaigns, the politicians responsible for anti-spam legislation discreetly exempted themselves from this rule.
by editor , David Baker on Jun 25, 1:00 PM
A few years ago I wrote an article on giving thanks to the channel, and I thought it appropriate, halfway through 2007, that I lay out some of the things that I'm most thankful for today.
by Chad White on Jun 21, 2:00 AM
This week I'd like to share more results from my study of retailers' subject lines, including the importance of free shipping and the use of urgency as a promotional strategy.
by Bill McCloskey on Jun 20, 2:00 AM
A major consumer package goods marketer once told me: "If I can understand my competitor's email marketing efforts, I can understand their entire marketing strategy." The notion that a company's email marketing efforts represent a microcosm of their marketing plan is something that more planners need to understand.
by daniel.c , Melinda Krueger on Jun 19, 2:00 AM
Dear Email Diva: I need suggestions for redesigning our email newsletters. How can I revise the look and feel of our layout and improve the content?
by editor , David Baker on Jun 18, 11:30 AM
While the email landscape is changing and becoming more challenging to deliver concrete experiences to growing databases and more restrictive inboxes, how do you deliver a good experience and meaningful brand impression with each email? Or can you?
by Chad White on Jun 14, 2:00 AM
Price has relatively little effect on customer satisfaction, according to ForeSee Results President and CEO Larry Freed, who recently completed the Spring 2007 Edition of the Top 100 Online Retail Satisfaction Index. In light of that research, it's interesting that the top online retailers' email programs use promotional subject lines the vast majority of the time.
by Bill McCloskey on Jun 13, 2:01 AM
From pitching swag to setting up raffles to giving away a mother's prized pie recipe: here's what the candidates were up to in email last week.