by Ray Schultz on Oct 31, 2:14 PM
Email is rated as slower and less effective than the phone in resolving customer issues. But no channel is preferred by over 50%, The Northridge Group finds.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 30, 4:16 PM
Had enough of the screaming in social media? People who say they're being blocked there are sending email newsletters -- only to people who want them.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 29, 4:17 PM
From emojis to animation, there are many creative features that can add warmth to Yuletide messages.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 26, 3:18 PM
Companies have separate departments for prospecting and nurturing. They need to leverage the same data, says PowerInBox CEO Jeff Kupietzky.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 25, 11:04 AM
Over two-thirds of firms lack confidence in their ability to personalize, Forrester reports.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 24, 4:53 PM
Too many firms still rely on forms and slow follow-up emails or calls, Drift reports.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 23, 12:20 PM
Consumers are falling for subject lines that play on their security fears, KnowBe4 reports.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 22, 3:47 PM
Email marketers must turn to algorithm-driven multi-touch attribution, if i-com is correct.
by Ray Schultz on Oct 19, 5:02 PM
Helm, a new email service, is providing consumers with their own in-home servers in a bid to let them control their own data..
by Ray Schultz on Oct 18, 1:06 PM
"Harvard Business Review" study shows that email is second-most used digital channel -- but less than a third of companies are good at it.