by Amy Corr on May 29, 12:29 PM
The latest Samsung ads starring Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard feature a functional array of Samsung products and leave viewers yearning for Bell and Shepard to be their next-door neighbors.
by Amy Corr on May 28, 3:58 PM
A hearing test that's performed by an orchestra and takes place in an auditorium means the test will sound better, you're not cooped up in a soundproof box, and you need to dress up. Hearing loss is a serious issue worldwide and often a person might not realize his or hearing is diminishing. Neuroth, an Austrian hearing-aid company, created the "Hearing Test Concert," where an orchestra played Beethoven's 5th Symphony in an unique way. The music was arranged to simulate the high and low frequencies administered during a traditional hearing test. Attendees knew the concert would …
by Amy Corr on May 27, 5:20 PM
In the newest of the round of MillerLite ads -- launched Memorial Day weekend during the NBA Playoffs -- a bodega owner interacts with a regular, asking about the man's plans. Karaoke is on the night's agenda, so the customer picks up a bottle of MillerLite and sings a classic tune by Kansas.
by Amy Corr on May 27, 3:30 PM
Random iPhone App of the week: Foot Locker updated its app to include a series of Shoemojis, a great fit for sneaker lovers. To date, the app has 80 Shoemojis from brands like Nike, adidas, ASICS and Under Armour. Over time, additional Shoemojis will be added to the app. Users can send the emoticons via text message or social media.
BBDO New York updated the free app,
available to download here.
by Amy Corr on May 27, 3:30 PM
Droga5 partnered with the Clinton Foundation to create "We're Not There Yet," a 2:15 video that raises awareness about gender equality. The video features the voices of Amy Poehler, Sienna Miller, Cameron Diaz, Jenny Slate and Padma Laksmi discussing data points of the group's No Ceilings' Full Participation Report, which describes the issues women face in the workforce and life. Strides are being made, but women continue to earn less than men and only hold 5% of Fortune 500 CEO positions, which is why only the voices -- not the faces -- of those …
by Amy Corr on May 27, 3:30 PM
Microsoft has launched a 1:45 video that pays tribute to young girls interested in science and encourages them to keep studying what they love, despite society's perception of science and technology being a man's field. The video features a handful of young girls describing the amazing things they've already created: robots, Web sites, a Lego that opens a refrigerator.
by Amy Corr on May 26, 3:21 PM
Gatorade creates an ode to sweat. Mattress talks when bodies don't. Let's launch!
by Amy Corr on May 22, 1:13 PM
How can a mattress company use big data? By informing its customers that too much sleep and not enough action is taking place between the sheets. Mattress company Dunlopillo is using technology to bring couples closer together by tracking mattress movement. And not just your typical tossing and turning, if you know what I mean. In "Listen to Your Mattress," sensors are placed around a couple's mattress to measure activity and general pressure points. When a few nights of "inactivity" between the couple pass, one person is sent an email with suggestions …
by Amy Corr on May 21, 3:38 PM
It's safe to assume that more people would watch airline in-flight safety videos if they weren't bland, boring and never-ending. In an effort to remedy this issue, Delta's latest video plays on society's obsession with Internet memes and YouTube videos. Entertainment must be fast, funny and come in small clips. So the double-rainbow guy is still wowed by such an occurrence; Charlie is still biting his brother's finger; the evolution of dance continues to evolve; and the overly attached girlfriend has found a new man. Animals are also well-represented: Look for keyboard …
by Amy Corr on May 20, 3:15 PM
Gatorade has created a 60-second spot dedicated to a specific kind of sweat: earned sweat. In "We Love Sweat," which is perfectly voiced by Michael Jordan, athletes push themselves hard and pick themselves up when they fall. The more they sweat, the more they will achieve in the long run.