• Almost 2/3 of Consumer Mail is Advertising
    According to the USPS Household Diary Study, In 2008, U.S. households received 148.6 billion pieces of mail, and sent 21.3 billion. Mail sent or received by households constituted 81% of total domestic mail in FY 2008. 56% of the mail households received was sent Standard Mail. Only 4% of household mail, and about 3% of total mail, was sent between households; the rest was sent between households and non-households.
  • Integrate Ads For Effective Brand Awareness
    Research released by Dynamic Logic reveals that ads integrated into the content of the page are the most effective in driving online ad awareness and purchase intent. Based on 2,390 online display campaigns that took place over the past three years, the study found that half banners and rectangles were more effective than ads that frame the page such as leaderboards and skyscrapers.
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