by Jack Loechner on Aug 27, 12:00 AM
Searching For Sites According to a study by IMT Strategies of consumer and business e-mail users: - 45.8% cited search engines as their top method of discovering new web sites. - 20.3% said word-of-mouth - 19.9%, random surfing. - 2.1% by accident - 1.4% newspapers - 1.4% television - 1% Banner ads Meanwhile, a report from CyberAtlas Research shows only 10% of the marketers surveyed spend more than 25% of their marketing budgets on increasing their visibility on the Web, and 46% said they allocate less than 0.5% of their annual marketing budgets on search engine optimization. …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 27, 12:00 AM
More Ways To Do It In the strictest sense of the word, this research is not about metrics, but is useful in defining the categories in which data measurement is used. And, it always helps when buying to know what you're buying! In a recent article in NewMedia by Hollis Thomases, he writes about online advertising alternatives to improve response rates and visibility. Here are some excerpts from his report, which is filled with examples. - Tall, skinny height, skyscraper ads tend to appear in the left- or right-hand margin of a Web site and convey more of a …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 27, 12:00 AM
Newspaper Advertising Slips According to preliminary estimates from the Newspaper Association of America, newspaper advertising expenditures for the second quarter of 2001 totaled $11.1 billion, a decrease of 8.4% over the same period last year. Retail advertising was only off 2.2%, while national advertising was down 8.5% and classified advertising was down 15.5%. Total advertising in newspapers for the first six months was $21.4 billion, down 6.5% from the same period last year. The report states that in the second quarter, real estate gained 8.0%, while up 9.7% for the first half. Also in the first half, automotive declined …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 27, 12:00 AM
More "Tire-Kickers" Than Buyers A recent study from Cultural Access Group finds that, overall, internet users prefer to research product information online. The report shows that only 31% of online African Americans and 32% of online Hispanics in the US have made online purchases, compared to 69% of the general US market. OnLine Product Researchers and Purchasers in the US by Race (Jan, 2001) as % of Internet Users in Each Category +-----------+---------+-----------+-----------+ | | General | Hispanic | African | | | Market | | American | +-----------+---------+-----------+-----------+ | Research | 74% | 59% …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 21, 12:00 AM
Ads In E-Mails An article by John Frook, carried in BtoBOnline, describes the benefit (or dangers) of using e-mail newsletters as an advertising vehicle in spite of the comfort level of b-to-b marketers in using direct e-mail campaigns. Frook points out that by placing an ad in an e-mail newsletter, marketers are relying on a third-party list that may or may not be as up-to-date or as demographically sound as the publisher claims, and the brand message may get mixed in with editorial content. According to Forrester Research, 32% of BtoB online marketing expenditures will be e-mail newsletters by …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 21, 12:00 AM
Leisure Reading Home and Away Certainly marketers participate in the consumer leisure industry in at least two ways: selling to the participants and communicating with them. In a recently completed comprehensive study by Bear, Stearns entitled "America At Leisure," they drew a picture of the consumer now and two years hence with regard to their interests and expected participation. Relevant to the Media industry, publishers can take heart (as reported by The Magazine Publishers Association) that reading of books and magazines ranked on top of reported general leisure activities in the study. And the future looks even better as …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 21, 12:00 AM
One Size Will Not Fit All According to the latest report from BIGresearch, US working professionals with at least one child under the age of 18 -- no matter what race -- use the internet during the day more than other forms of media. On the other hand, BIGresearch surveyed 100,000 US consumers in March 2001 and found that media usage among US homemakers with at least one child under the age of 18 differed from that of US professionals. Professionals with no children under the age of 18 tend to spend the most time online: Hispanic professionals spend …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 21, 12:00 AM
You Get What You Pay For An e-mailed release from the Jupiter Online Advertising Forum in New York said that a new study by Jupiter Media Metrix showed that nearly two-thirds of online media buyers are willing to pay more for premium inventory. The analysts believe, though, that the 36% of media buyers who are not willing to pay more for premium inventory feel they have more power to dictate cost than publishers do in the current economic climate. Patrick Keane, vice president and senior analyst said, however, that "New creative formats, performance pricing and greater accountability will not turn …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 21, 12:00 AM
TV vs Superstitial Ads A Harris Interactive Communications Whitepaper, released last month, compared superstitials with television commercials in their relationship to brand recall, communication and purchase/usage/consideration. Although they describe the difficulty in making comparisons, Harris partnered with Unicast to compare these two specific media across consistent traditional metrics and provide greater insight as to how to best buy against those objectives. Using methodology that compared the same brand and type of ad in each medium, Harris concludes that, based on these data, Internet advertising in the form of the superstitial ad unit can accomplish many, if not all, that …
by Jack Loechner on Aug 19, 12:00 AM
An Awful Lot of Petabits Lawrence Roberts, a computer-communications pioneer who was a key figure in the ancestor of today's Internet in 1969, released data recently indicating that Internet traffic in the first six months of this year doubled, and likely will quadruple by the end of the year. Roberts' company analyzed traffic entering the networks of the top 19 Internet carriers. Measurements taken by the scientist and his research team illustrate that online traffic has never grown faster, though his conclusions fly in the face of an article by the Internet Standard magazine questioning whether the Internet's growth …