by Jack Loechner on Mar 31, 2:45 PM
According to Dr. Stuart Pike, Executive Director, Digital Audience Measurement, Nielsen, when it comes to getting your brand messaging across to the typical smartphone user, you've got about 90 minutes of their day to make an impact.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 28, 6:15 AM
According to a new report from business consulting firm Bain & Co., mobile payment users, on average, spend approximately twice as much through all digital channels than those not using mobile payments.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 27, 6:15 AM
According to results from the AdReaction Report, Marketing in a Multi-screen World, from Millward Brown, a typical multiscreen user consumes 7 hours of screen media per day during a 5 hour period.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 26, 6:15 AM
Based on 2013 Gallup Daily tracking, asking Americans about the amount of money they spent on purchases "yesterday," excluding normal household bills and major purchases, Americans without children under 18 reported average daily spending of $79, while Americans with children reported a $108 daily average.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 25, 6:15 AM
Radio revenues for Q4 and Full-Year 2013 were flat against comparable 2012 periods which had been buoyed with an influx of political spending at the culmination of the presidential campaign.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 24, 6:15 AM
According to Direct Marketing News, a recent survey with 160 global retailers found the majority are missing out on significant opportunities to use tools that already exist in their arsenal to improve the ROI of marketing campaigns.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 21, 6:15 AM
According to research recently released by the Consumer Electronics Association, while 79% of online U.S. adults obtain video content from traditional television programming providers such as cable, satellite or fiber-to-the-home, a significant number of viewers are turning to other sources.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 20, 6:15 AM
In October 2013, Dianna Huff of DH Communications, Inc., and Derek Edmond and Casie Gillette of KoMarketing Associates, with the help of Liza Semenova, a student at Northeastern University, issued a survey to customers, prospects and others involved within B2B marketing, to determine what buyers do once they get to a vendor website
by Jack Loechner on Mar 19, 6:15 AM
The Experian Marketing Services' 2013 4th Quarter email trends and analysis study found a 50% year-over-year increase in the number of email campaigns offering coupons. For consumers, "couponing" has become a tradition, says the report, with many reading the Sunday paper with scissors nearby to cut coupons with the best deals and offers.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 18, 6:15 AM
According to a report from Ari Brandt, and presented by Adotas, over the last two years mobile gaming has emerged as one of the largest forms of media consumption and is not slowing down. eMarketer says gaming continues to dominate as the most popular activity by smartphone owners, and nearly 70% of tablet owners in the U.S. play games on their devices, more than they perform any other activity.